
REMINDER - Applying for Conservation Treatment Services in 2013

Please note that the deadline to apply for treatment services is October 15, 2013.

CCI is pleased to offer conservation treatment services to Canadian museums, archives and historic sites to help you preserve and exhibit your objects. The October 15, 2013 deadline for treatment requests is fast approaching. Learn more about this year's process.

The Digitization of Audio Tapes

Many archives and heritage institutions possess audio tapes that are the only record of culturally significant information. Unfortunately, these analog audio storage formats have a finite technology lifetime. If the information is to remain accessible, it must be migrated to new technology. CCI’s Technical Bulletin 30, The Digitization of Audio Tapes provides information and procedures for digitizing cassettes and reel-to-reel tapes, focused primarily on oral history collections. More than 300 copies have already been sold in Canada and around the world since its release in early 2013!

Need a copy?  Purchase Technical Bulletin 30, The Digitization of Audio Tapes online.

Already purchased a copy? Tell us what you think and let us know how you use this and other CCI publications to help you care for your objects and collections. Comment about this Technical Bulletin or any other CCI publication on our Facebook page and make sure to "like" us while you are there!

CCI's Facebook One Year Anniversary

CCI celebrates one year on Facebook—with more than 1,400 "likes" on our English and French pages!  What do you like about our page? What kind of posts do you want to see?

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