CIC Portal: Authorized Paid Representatives

Note: As of September 4th, 2013, citizens of specific countries will need to give their biometrics as part of the application process for visitor visas, study permits, and work permits.

As a result, users of the CIC Portal for Authorized Paid Representatives will notice changes to the fee portion of the online application.  Users should review the updated CIC Portal User Guide that is available in the Portal.

The CIC Portal allows Authorized Paid Representatives to complete, pay for, and submit online applications on behalf of their clients. CIC requires the use of an electronic credential to use the CIC Portal: GCKey or Sign-In Partner (SecureKey Concierge).

  • Representatives applying on behalf of clients must complete Use of a Representative form (IMM 5476). If this form is incomplete, you will be denied further access to the application and it will need to be resubmitted.
  • If a paper application has already been submitted, you should not submit an online application. Duplicate applications will increase delays.

Step 1 - Register or log in using GCKey or Sign-In Partner (SecureKey Concierge)

The Government of Canada is now offering a choice of service providers that you can use when logging in to government online programs or services.

To access your MyCIC account you need to log in using one of two ways:

  1. Log in with a Sign-In Partner (SecureKey Concierge) – this option allows you to log in with a User ID and password that you may already have, such as for online banking.

    Tell me more about logging in with a Sign-In Partner (SecureKey Concierge)

    Note: When choosing this option, you will be temporarily leaving the Citizenship and Immigration website. For additional information, please see Important Notices.


  2. Log in with GCKey – this option allows you to log in using a Government of Canada User ID and password.

Whether you choose to use Sign-In Partner (SecureKey Concierge) or GCKey, no personal information held by your financial institution will be provided to CIC during your login process. Similarly, CIC will not share with your financial institution any personal information about the government services you access.

For additional information about security and privacy, or for other general queries about credential services, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

To log in with a Sign-In Partner (SecureKey Concierge), select the Sign-In Partner Log In button below.
To log in or register with GCKey, select the GCKey button below.



Step 2 – Register or log into the CIC Portal

Once you have logged in using GCkey or Sign-In Partner (SecureKey Concierge), you will need to register or log into the CIC Portal. Instructions will be given to you once you have logged in using GCKey or Sign-In Partner.

Related documents

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for Authorized Paid Representatives on how to enrol with the CIC Portal.

Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) (PDF, 38 KB)
This form is for people who wish to appoint a representative (such as an immigration consultant, lawyer, friend or family member) who will conduct business with Citizenship and Immigration Canada on their behalf.