Internet, radio and wireless – Transcript

Internet, radio and wireless—Transcript

Connecting Canadians

(Our host is looking at a tablet computer and turns toward the camera.)

Hi, I'm Kate. I work for Industry Canada.

(An illustration of a large radio tower on a maple leaf appears.)

The work we do at Industry helps connect Canadians to each other and the world. We manage Canada's digital infrastructure, a key part of our modern economy.

Spectrum is the foundation of our digital infrastructure. It's largely invisible, but it's critical.

Radio spectrum is used for wireless communications; it's the medium over which all wireless signals are transmitted.

(An animation demonstrating spectrum appears. A cell phone transmits a signal to a cell tower which transmits to a representation of a global network — a globe with encircling lines — which, in turn, sends information to a laptop computer.)

When you use your cell phone, for example, the signal is transmitted via spectrum airwaves to a tower where it connects to a network, which allows the information to transmit to its final destination.

(An animation of devices that use spectrum appears. The devices include a global positioning system (GPS) unit, a cell phone, a satellite dish and receiver, an amateur/ham radio system and a laptop computer. Concentric circles symbolizing spectrum radiate from each device. The radiating circles overlap.)

And from cell phones to smart phones and tablets, from talking to texting, to email to video, the popularity of these devices has led to a huge increase in demand for wireless data, making increased demands on spectrum.

Spectrum is a valuable — but limited — public resource, so at Industry we work to ensure that it's carefully managed and fairly distributed.

(An illustration of a map of Canada appears. The devices shown earlier reappear within Canada's borders and their signals no longer overlap.)

To do this, we assign different frequencies for all types of uses, like radio for emergency services, so signals don't get crossed.

And that's why, if you need to use radio frequencies, you must consult with us.

(A screen shot from our website appears. The tabs "For business," "For individuals," and "For governments and authorities" are shown. The screen shot then dissolves into another one highlighting information for amateur radio operators.)

Whether you want to use commercial radio in your business or wish to certify as an amateur radio operator, you'll find everything you need to apply for your radio licence or call signal.

(An animation of an outline map of Canada appears. A delivery truck is superimposed on the map. The back of the truck opens to reveal a load of personal computers.)

We're connecting Canadians to technology and youth to jobs: Industry Canada is a proud co-founder of the Computers for Schools program — a program that has refurbished and donated over one million computers to schools across Canada.

(A screen shot from the National Research Council Canada's website appears. Information about the Digital Technology Adoption Pilot Program is highlighted.)

We're helping small and medium businesses get connected faster and build digital skills through programs delivered by the National Research Council, an Industry Portfolio partner.

Wherever you live in Canada, high-speed connectivity is critical to your personal, business and community's success.

(A screen capture of our website appears. The section titled "For individuals" is highlighted.)

We've worked hard to locate and remove gaps in broadband coverage across the country — and to ensure that Canadians have access to the best coverage — broadband and wireless.

Connecting Canadians: it's part of what we do for you.

(Industry Canada signature and Canada wordmark)

End of script