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Blueprint 2020

Wayne Wouters


I’m Wayne Wouters, Head of the Public Service of Canada.

Public servants are passionate about their country and proud to serve Canadians. Excellence is the goal of the Public Service in the design and delivery of policy, programs and services. Canadians’ quality of life and Canada’s position in today’s uncertain and competitive world depend, in significant part, on a non-partisan, professional Public Service.

The world in which the public service operates is continually evolving and we keep pace with Canada and Canadians by adapting with them. Our institution must continue to be flexible and agile in order to anticipate and respond to the evolving needs of Canadians, now and in the future.

Moving forward, I believe that we need a clear and shared vision of what Canada’s Public Service should be, now and in the future. At my invitation, senior deputy heads came together to develop a vision of a revitalized and world-class public service equipped to serve Canada and Canadians. Their resulting work, Blueprint 2020 – Getting Started – Getting Your Views, articulates a vision of a public service with four guiding principles. These are:

  • An open and networked environment that engages citizens and partners for the public good;
  • A whole-of-government approach that enhances service delivery and value for money;
  • A modern workplace that makes smart use of new technologies to improve networking, access to data and customer service; and,
  • A capable, confident and high-performing workforce that embraces new ways of working and mobilizing the diversity of talent to serve the country’s evolving needs.

I have invited public servants across the country to take part in a dialogue about the future of the Public Service. I would also like to encourage Canadians to contribute their ideas on how we can turn the Blueprint 2020 vision into reality.

This is your opportunity to help shape the Public Service of tomorrow! Together, we’ll refine the Blueprint 2020 vision and find fresh ways to uphold the tradition of excellence that is the hallmark of Canada’s Public Service. To help you, on this site you will find a link to the Blueprint 2020 vision document.

You can provide your input through the form provided or send your comments by email to this address: A template Word feedback form has also been provided for your convenience.

Public servants can also access the Blueprint 2020 spaces on GCpedia and GCconnex. To register on these sites you must have a valid Government of Canada email address.

I encourage you to get involved in helping to shape the future of the Public Service.

Wayne G. Wouters
Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet

  1. The Government of Canada is committed to protecting your personal information. All personal information you provide is protected under the federal Privacy Act. We are seeking your voluntary input on the Blueprint 2020 vision to develop a Blueprint 2020 action plan on the future of the Public Service of Canada. Your response to these consultation questions, or parts thereof, may be selected for use in publications, including publicly available ones, that are produced as the result of the Blueprint 2020 process. You will be contacted before publication to seek your consent to attribute your name if your response is selected.  Even if you do not consent to have your name included, your input may be included without attribution