Video: We Grow Innovation

We grow a lot more than you may think

Health Canada: Centre for Vaccine Evaluation

Health Canada: Centre for Vaccine Evaluation

Searching for North Atlantic Right Whale Feeding Grounds

Searching for North Atlantic Right Whale Feeding Grounds

Healthy School Lunches

Healthy School Lunches

Investigating air quality and the impacts of travelling smoke plumes

Investigating air quality and the impacts of travelling smoke plumes

What's New

  • Funding Available! Science & Technology Internship Program
    Are you (or do you know of) an organization, business, university or community college that could benefit from funding to support an internship in the area of natural sciences? Do you know a post-secondary graduate who is looking for practical experience to support his/her career development in the natural sciences? The Science and Technology Internship Program (STIP) provides funding to organizations, businesses and institutions to support recent graduates in the natural sciences to gain relevant and meaningful work experience within their field of study. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this opportunity, please visit our website.
  • Ocean Science in Canada: Meeting the Challenge, Seizing the Opportunity
    November 6, 2013 — A new expert panel report, by the Council of Canadian Academies, on ocean science capacity in Canada has found that, with no single organization responsible for managing ocean research in Canada, scientists face challenges in coordinating activities and pooling resources.
  • Canadian discoveries pivotal to the science of toxins and illness associated with E. coli
    October 29, 2013 - Many Canadian scientists and clinicians were unsung heroes during the early years (1977–1983) of research unfolding around verotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC).
  • Statement by Minister of State Rickford on National Science and Technology Week
    October 21, 2013 – On the occasion of National Science and Technology Week 2013, the Honourable Greg Rickford, Minister of State (Science and Technology), today issued the following statement: "On behalf of the Government of Canada, I am pleased to recognize the efforts of Canada's scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs who contribute to innovation and whose ideas go from labs to the marketplace to improve the lives of Canadians.
  • Reconfiguring aircraft for a sustainable 21st century
    October 16, 2013 — The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) announced its Aeronautics for the 21st Century (Aero21) research program, which will help develop and advance critical technologies for existing and new aircraft configurations. This research program is in response to the economic and financial pressures to improve the fuel efficiency and performance of commercial and passenger aircraft currently faced by the global airline industry.
  • Consultation document on the Draft Tri-Agency Open Access Policy now live
    October 15, 2013 - The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) are seeking your input on the draft Tri-Agency Open Access Policy.
  • The Health Effects of Conducted Energy Weapons
    The use of conducted energy weapons (CEWs) by law enforcement agencies around the world has grown rapidly in recent years. CEWs are devices that use electrical energy to induce pain or to immobilize or incapacitate a person. To better understand the health-related effects of CEWs, Defence Research and Development Canada requested an independent, evidence-based assessment of the state of scientific knowledge regarding the medical and physiological impacts of conducted energy weapons.
  • Canadian Science Policy Conference, November 2013
    CSPC is proud to present the first ever, Canadian Science Policy Awards of Excellence - Youth Category. This award will recognize a student/postdoctoral/young entrepreneur who is able to draft a policy proposal based on one of the themes of the conference. The winner will receive a complimentary registration to attend the conference as well as a cash prize. Applications are now being accepted!
  • Call for Canadian Participants – ICT 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania; Opportunity of joining the Face to Face Brokerage Event
    September 30, 2013 - Interested in collaborating with Europe? ICT 2013 in Vilnius is a unique opportunity to showcase your research, your ICT (Information and Communication Technology) products and your innovative creations in a lively environment to the 4000 expected visitors of the conference. Participation in ICT 2013 also provides access to over 150 networking sessions, including pre-arranged meetings via a brokerage event organized in cooperation with Ideal-ist and Enterprise Europe Network.
  • In Juan's Wake
    September 29, 2013 - In the midst of this year’s hurricane season, Maritimers are reminded of the powerful storm that struck our region 10 years ago. September 29, 2013 marks a decade since Hurricane Juan made landfall in Nova Scotia, followed by Prince Edward Island (PEI), uprooting millions of trees, tearing roofs from buildings and forever changing the public’s perception of how hurricanes can affect the Maritimes. This aggressive storm is known as one of the most damaging in Canadian history. Meteorologists with Environment Canada’s Canadian Hurricane Centre (CHC) have learned lessons in its wake, resulting in improved forecasting systems and stronger procedures to inform the public and promote emergency preparedness.

Did You Know?

Research has shown that a combination of good nutrition and physical activity can actually help prevent or postpone type 2 diabetes.