
Emergency Repair Program (ERP)

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) offers financial assistance to help low-income households in rural areas, for emergency repairs required for the continued safe occupancy of their home.

CMHC delivers the following program in Yukon only.

In other jurisdictions, Provinces and Territories may choose to design and deliver renovation programs that are cost-shared with the federal government. Information on Provincially/Territorially designed and delivered housing programs are provided under Affordable Housing Programs Across Canada.

Who Can Apply?

Homeowners/occupants in rural areas whose incomes are at or below the established ceilings for the area are eligible to apply for financial assistance.

Eligible Repairs

Only those repairs urgently required to make a house safe are eligible for assistance. Examples include:

  • heating systems;
  • chimneys;
  • doors and windows;
  • foundations;
  • roofs, walls, floors and ceilings;
  • vents, louvers;
  • plumbing;
  • electrical systems.

Any repairs carried out before application is approved in writing are not eligible.

Financial Assistance

Assistance is in the form of a contribution which does not have to be repaid. The maximum contribution varies according to the cost of the repairs and geographic zone in which the property is located.

  Maximum Loan/Unit
Zone 1: Southern areas of Canada $6,000
Zone 2: Northern areas $9,000
Zone 3: Far northern areas $11,000

Access the Renovation Programs Pre-Application Tool for more information specific to your geographic area.

Other Assistance Available

Other programs are also available to assist homeowners in undertaking major repairs to substandard housing, accessibility modifications to dwellings occupied or intended for occupancy by persons with disabilities or minor home adaptations to meet the needs of seniors with an age-related difficulty.

Contact Us

To find out how to apply for financial assistance or for more information about these programs please call CMHC toll free at 1-800-668-2642.