Computers for Schools

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Helping learning organizations give Canadians a head start in the digital workplace

The Computers for Schools (CFS) Program is a national, federal government-led initiative that operates in cooperation with all provinces and territories, the private and volunteer sectors. Program funding recipients collect, repair and refurbish donated surplus computers from public and private sector sources and distribute them to schools, public libraries, not-for-profit learning organizations and Aboriginal communities throughout Canada.

About Computers for Schools

Computers for Schools was co-founded in 1993 by Industry Canada and the TelecomPioneers (This link leads to a site belonging to an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act.) the largest industry-related volunteer organization in the world.

Since its inception, the Program has played an increasingly important role in increasing access to technology for all Canadians. To date, in collaboration with federal, provincial and territorial departments, not-for-profit organizations, the private and volunteer sectors, Program funding recipients have refurbished and donated over 1,100,000 computers.

CFS also plays a role in the implementation of the Government of Canada's Youth Employment Strategy (YES) through the Technical Work Experience Program (TWEP). The Program provides funding to recipients for the hiring of youth between the ages of 15 and 30, thus providing employment opportunities to gain on-the-job experience in refurbishment centres throughout Canada; and breaking the "no experience, no work" cycle.

Preserving the environment is a very important part of the Program. The Computers for Schools Program is a strong promoter of re-use in order to extend the life of these assets by an additional two (2) to three (3) years, by reducing the environmental footprint and by diverting electronic waste from landfill sites across Canada. Recent studies show that re-using electronic equipment is nine times greater for the environment than recycling is.

The CFS program is fortunate to have had outstanding sponsors and supporters over the years, who have greatly contributed to the success of the Program. These sponsors include Telecom Pioneers, Bell Canada, Canadian National: North America's Railroad, Aliant Group and others throughout the country.

Volunteers throughout Canada play an important role in the Computers for Schools Program by providing training and technical expertise, working in refurbishment centres, providing transportation, and working tirelessly as promoters and ambassadors for CFS. These volunteers make it possible for the Program to meet its objectives and targeted production. As a result, a greater number of refurbished computers are distributed to schools, libraries, not-for-profit organizations and Aboriginal communities throughout Canada.

CFS has a variety of funding recipients throughout the country that have contributed to making the Program a success. Recipients consist of not-for-profit organizations in every province and territory, except Prince Edward Island, where the Program is offered by the provincial government. Recipients are responsible for ensuring that the Program follows standards set out in contribution agreements with Industry Canada for operating numerous refurbishment workshops across the country. These workshops are responsible for receiving, refurbishing and delivering computer hardware and software in their respective provinces and territories.

For more information on Recipients, please go to the "CFS across Canada" section to view a map, which will allow you to go directly to provincial and territorial websites.