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About the enterprise registrar > NEQ > The NEQ (Québec Enterprise Number)

About the enterprise registrar

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The NEQ (Québec Enterprise Number)

The NEQ, a key number for enterprises

The NEQ is a number assigned to the enterprises that register with the enterprise registrar, at one of the two offices of Services Québec that provide the services related to the enterprise register.

Assigning such numbers is one of the measures favoured by the Gouvernement du Québec to simplify regulatory procedures for enterprises.

How to obtain a NEQ

Any enterprise that does business in Québec must be registered in the enterprise register. Once registered, a NEQ is assigned to the enterprise.

Why a NEQ?

The NEQ simplifies and speeds up communications between enterprises and the various departments and agencies to the enterprise of the Gouvernement du Québec, making it easier for enterprises to register for various government programs and services by means of a unique identification number, the NEQ.

The NEQ is the key to opening an incresing number of doors at the Gouvernement du Québec. At present, you can use your NEQ when communicating with the following government departments and agencies:

Last Update : 2007-02-15
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