Welcome to Youth.gc.ca

Plan learn work

Services for youth on Facebook - Promotional Item #1

Ask us a question about planning your career, learning new skills and finding a job. We are here to help!

read more... on "Services for youth on Facebook"

Visit us at Toronto’s Student Life Expo; October 4-6! - Promotional Item #2

We will be there to answer your questions about career planning and provide you with helpful resources, including labour market information highlighting jobs in high demand.

read more... on "Toronto’s Student Life Expo"

Services for Youth - Promotional Item #3

Watch our video about our services for youth to help you get the information you need, when and where you need it.

watch our video… about our services for youth

Back to school

Back to school : Financing your studies - Promotional Item #4

Thinking about how you´re going to finance your studies? Learn how to manage your money and pay for your education.

read more... on how to finance your studies

Plan learn work blog

Youth Blog: Voice - Promotional Item #5

Check out our blog for advice and resources to help you plan your career, learn new skills and find a job!

read more... Youth Blog: Voice