Links of Interest

  • Forum of Federations - The Forum of Federations is an independent organization that was initiated in Canada and is supported by many countries and governments. The Forum is concerned with the contribution federalism makes and can make to the maintenance and construction of democratic societies and governments. It pursues this goal by:
    • building international networks fostering the exchange of experience on federal governance,
    • enhancing mutual learning and understanding among practitioners of federalism, and
    • disseminating knowledge and technical advice of interest to existing federations and of benefits to countries seeking to introduce federal elements into their governance structures and constitutions.
  • Institute of Intergovernmental Relations (Queen's University) - This interdisciplinary institute was established in 1965 at Queen’s University (Kingston)to provide a university-based forum for research, publication, and seminars and conferences on the basic issues concerning federal and intergovernmental relations in Canada. It is the only organization in Canada with an exclusive focus on the challenges facing Canadian federalism.
  • International Association of Centers for Federal Studies (IACFS)  - The International Association of Centers for Federal Studies (IACFS) is an interdisciplinary association of Centers and Institutes throughout the world with interests in independent research and publication about political, constitutional, legal, administrative, fiscal, economic, historical and philosophical issues relevant to political systems which have federal features. The Association seeks to further the study and understanding of federal principles and patterns in all their variety.
  • Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg (Switzerland) - The Institute of Federalism is a nationally and internationally recognised centre of interdisciplinary academic expertise in the fields of federalism, state organisation, democracy and human rights. Founded in 1984 in collaboration with the ch Foundation for Confederal Collaboration, (comprised of the 26 Cantons) it is attached to the Law Faculty of the bilingual University of Fribourg.