First Nations Tax Commission – Commission de la fiscalité des premières nations
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“First Nations Fiscal Relations in the 21st Century”

National Meeting of FMA and FNLMA First Nations planned for the spring of 2018. The FMA Fiscal Institutions have teamed up with the First Nations Lands Advisory Board to host a National Meeting of FMA and FNLMA First Nations. The […]


An Indigenous infrastructure institution will help First Nations create sustainable, safe infrastructure to support the growing needs of their communities.

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Defining a First Nations fiscal relationship with the Crown

Federal Minister of Justice: “We all need to continue to be strong proponents of change” The FNTC has long championed the notion that a new fiscal relationship for First Nations should be built on a foundation of clear government powers […]


FMA First Nations and Institutions mark 10 years of progress

July 2017 marks the FMA institutions’ 10th year of operations for the First Nations Fiscal Management Act (FMA). The First Nations led FMA has been instrumental in establishing jurisdiction and creating new fiscal resources for First Nations. It has helped […]


Arrowhead technology and its importance to the pre-contact Secwepemc trade economy

Ed Jensen, from Tk’emlups te Secwepemc, grew up in a big family and spent much of his time as a young boy playing with things he made himself. He started bow-making in his backyard, progressively evolving his creations, making them […]

Navigating this website

About FNTC

Under About FNTC, learn about the Commission’s mission and mandate, FNTC’s Commissioners, services and working relationships, as well as the logo and heraldic emblems.

Property TaxationUnder Property Taxation, learn about First Nation property taxation, the two regulatory frameworks used by First Nations for property taxation, and access toolkits with all the tools and steps needed to implement a property taxation system under the FMA or s.83.

NewsIn the News section, read FNTC news and announcements, as well as articles about building First Nations economies, expanding First Nations jurisdiction and success stories from First Nations that are experiencing success as a result of property taxation.

ResourcesUnder Resources, access guides and information booklets, past FNTC presentations, a map of First Nations with property tax jurisdiction in Canada, a comprehensive list of Frequently Asked Questions, and FNTC’s quarterly newsletter Clearing the Path.

In Canada, over 25% of First Nations have property tax powers and are responding to community needs and providing local services to thousands of property taxpayers. The First Nations Tax Commission (FNTC) is a shared-governance First Nation public institution that supports First Nation taxation under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act and under section 83 of the Indian Act.

The purpose of the FNTC goes far beyond property tax and local revenues. The FNTC is also about creating the legal, administrative and infrastructural framework necessary for markets to work on First Nation lands, creating a competitive First Nation investment climate, and using economic growth as the catalyst for greater First Nation self-reliance.

The FNTC ensures the First Nations tax system is operating efficiently, is well coordinated, improves economic growth for First Nations, and is responsive to on-reserve taxpayers. We assist First Nations in creating laws and by-laws, as well as provide training and dispute resolution services.

We encourage you to explore the website and learn more about how First Nation property taxation is transforming First Nation economies.

Thanks again for visiting.

C.T. (Manny) Jules, Chief Commissioner, FNTC

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