MARLANT Command Team


Rear-Admiral John Newton is a graduate of Dalhousie University (BSc 1981). He enrolled in the Canadian Forces in 1983 after an early career as a geologist. As a junior naval officer he acquired specialist skills in navigation, communications, and operations and completed tours in the destroyer IROQUOIS, replenishment ship PRESERVER and frigate MONTREAL. He has deployed on NATO missions of the Cold War, and UN peace support operations including the Gulf War in 1991, Haiti in 1993, and the maritime embargo of the former Yugoslavia in 1995. He has a developed specialty in Canadian maritime sovereignty gained through countless fishery patrols and three Arctic sovereignty missions. He has commanded the patrol ship HMCS ANTICOSTI, and the frigate HMCS FREDERICTON from 2003 until 2006 where he experienced his life-long dream to patrol the fabled Northwest Passage.

In 2000 he completed a year of Joint military studies at the Command and Staff College Toronto followed by advanced military studies in 2004. He has held staff appointments in naval operations schools, Maritime Forces Atlantic Headquarters and Maritime Command Headquarters. Following his promotion to Captain(N) in 2006, he served at National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa as Director of International Plans in the Strategic Joint Staff, charged with files that included the commitment of the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan and Sudan amongst others. In 2008, he assumed command of Canadian Forces Base Halifax, a very large Canadian Forces Base and lead planning efforts to celebrate the Navy's Centennial, including Her Majesty's participation in the International Fleet Review.

Upon being promoted to Commodore in 2010 he returned to Ottawa as Director General Naval Personnel. Rear-Admiral Newton was promoted to his present rank in June 2013 and appointed Commander Joint Task Force Atlantic and Commander Maritime Forces Atlantic in July 2013.



Chief Petty Officer Bullen enrolled in the Canadian Forces on the 01 April 1981 as Boatswain. Chief Bullen served in HMCS Protecteur, Preserver, Iroquois, Chief Bosn Mate in Toronto, Charlottetown, Sea Training Atlantic and as Coxn in HMCS Athabaskan and Sea Training Atlantic.

His shore postings included Naval Boarding Party instructor at the Canadian Forces Naval Operational School, Standards Chief at Seamanship Division, MOC manager for Bosn’s, Stewards, and Clearance Divers at Chief Maritime Staff, NDHQ, and secondary language training CFB Shearwater.

He was appointed Base Chief Petty Officer, CFB Halifax March 2009. Chief Petty Officer Bullen became a member of the Order of Military Merit in 2001 and has assumed his current duties as Formation Chief Petty Officer for Maritime Forces Atlantic on 1 June 2012.