The most significant operational units supported by MARLANT are those of the East Coast based fleet, or Canadian Fleet Atlantic (CANFLTLANT). A Commodore (COMCANFLTLANT) is responsible for the operation and readiness of the Atlantic fleet. He is also the Canadian Task Group Commander for any East Coast deployment of ships to exercises or operations.

CANFLTLANT consists of the following units:

  • High and Normal Readiness Ships
  • HMC Dockyard
  • Fifth Maritime Operations Group
  • Sea Training Atlantic

These units depend upon the services of the integral and lodger units of MARLANT for services such as training, repairs, provisions, ammunition, shore power and steam, clothing, administrative support, photographic services, linen and garbage removal. Over that past several years the Navy and MARLANT have completed the transition from a dedicated but outdated force to the modern, effective Navy it is today.

The 1994 Defence White Paper recognized that Canada is a maritime nation, dependent on the sea for trade and communication with the rest of the world. It also recognized that in order to guarantee Canada’s maritime sovereignty and its ability to use the oceans freely, a modern balanced Naval fleet was needed. The modernization process goes on. New projects on the horizon include the arrival of the CH148 Cyclone as the new Canadian Forces maritime helicopter, the replacement of the AOR’s by the Joint Support Ship, the modernization of the Halifax Class frigates and replacement of the Command and Control and area air defence capabilities now inherent in the Iroquois Class destroyers.