MARPAC Command Team

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RAdm Truelove, born in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, enrolled in the Canadian Forces in 1981. He attended Royal Roads Military College, graduating in 1985 with a Bachelor's Degree in Military and Strategic Studies. After graduation, he completed his initial naval officer training in HMC Ship's CHALEUR, FUNDY, SASKATCHEWAN and QU'APPELLE. In 1986, he was posted to HMCS ATHABASKAN where he served as a Bridge Watchkeeper, Navigation Officer and Above Water Warfare Officer. This was followed in 1990 by a two-year assignment at the Canadian Forces Officer Candidate School in Chilliwack, BC.

In 1992, RAdm Truelove was promoted to Lieutenant-Commander and attended the Operations Room Officer course. On completion, he was posted to HMCS IROQUOIS as Combat Officer until 1995, including a 7-month deployment to the Adriatic Sea in support of the United Nations Embargo on the former Yugoslavia. In 1995, he was appointed as the Senior Staff Officer, Above Water Warfare in Maritime Command Headquarters following which he returned to Victoria in 1997 to assume Command of HMCS CHALEUR. In 1998, he attended the Canadian Forces Command and Staff College and was then promoted to Commander and appointed as Executive Officer of HMCS PRESERVER. RAdm Truelove returned to Victoria to command HMCS REGINA from August 2001 –August 2003, including a 5 month deployment to the Persian Gulf in support of Operation Apollo – Canada's contribution to the War on Terrorism. He then commanded the Naval Officer Training Center in Victoria, BC from September 2003 until June 2004.

In July 2004, RAdm Truelove was selected to attend the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island as a member of the Naval Command College Class of 2005, while also completing a Master's degree in International Relations at Salve Regina University. In August 2005, he was appointed as the Canadian Forces Naval Attaché in Washington and subsequently assumed Command of Maritime Operations Group Four in Esquimalt in July 2006. In 2007, RAdm Truelove moved to Ottawa and assumed duties as the Special Assistant to the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff until July 2008 when he transitioned to Special Advisor to the Chief of the Defence Staff. He was promoted to Commodore in June 2009, and was Commandant and Vice Chancellor of the Royal Military College of Canada from 2009 – 2011. Following a 9-month deployment at ISAF HQ, Kabul, Afghanistan as the Deputy in the Strategic Communications Directorate, RAdm Truelove was promoted to his current rank in May 2012, and assumed Command of Maritime Forces Pacific/Joint Task Force Pacific on 4 June 2012


Commodore Bishop grew up in Vancouver BC and embarked on a naval career by joining the Naval Reserve at HMCS DISCOVERY in 1983. In 1985, he transferred to the Regular Force and, after completing his initial training, joined HMCS RESTIGOUCHE as a bridge watch-keeping officer.

Early on, Cmdre Bishop specialized in navigation, successfully completing both the Destroyer Navigation Officer course and the Maritime Advanced Navigation Officer Course. He served as the Senior Navigation Instructor at the Naval Officer Training Centre, and as the Navigating Officer in HMC Ships CHIGNECTO, MIRAMICHI, QU'APPELLE, and PROVIDER. While in PROVIDER, he participated in OPERATION FORWARD ACTION to enforce UN Sanctions against Haiti.

In 1995, Cmdre Bishop attended a year long warfare course for future Operations Room Officers, after which he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander and posted to HMCS VANCOUVER as the ship's Combat Officer. In 1998, he was assigned similar duties at Sea Training Pacific.

In 2000, he was appointed Executive Officer in HMCS ATHABASKAN. After being promoted to the rank of Commander in 2003 and completing a tour of duty in National Defence Headquarters, he was selected to command the frigate, HMCS HALIFAX in 2005. HALIFAX deployed with NATO's Standing Naval Maritime Group One and participated in OPERATION ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR, NATO's maritime contribution to the campaign against terrorism.

In 2011, he deployed on OPERATION UNIFIED PROTECTOR as the Chief of Current Operations in the Combined Joint Task Force Headquarters to enforce NATO's no-fly-zone and embargo against Libya.

Over his career, Cmdre Bishop has worked in many staff appointments, including: desk officer for CF operations in the Balkans; Director of Strategic Communications in the Maritime Staff; a member of the Chief of Defence Staff's capability action teams; Director of Transformation and Strategic Planning for the Chief of Force Development; Special Advisor to the Chief of Defence Staff; and, most recently appointed Commander Fifth Maritime Operations Group.

Cmdre Bishop holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration and is a graduate of the US Navy's Naval War College. He was appointed an Officer of the Order of Military Merit in 2011.

On 9 August 2012 Cmdre S. Bishop assumed command of Canadian Fleet Pacific.