NAVRES Vision / Mission

Naval Reserve Vision

A Naval Reserve focused on providing a sustainable strategic source of personnel for CF operations within a "One Navy" concept.

Naval Reserve Mission

The mission of the Naval Reserve is to generate trained individuals and teams for Canadian Forces operations, including: domestic safety operations as well as security and defense missions, while at the same time supporting the Navy's efforts in connecting with Canadians through the maintenance of a broad national presence.

Naval Reserve Tasks

  1. Respond to domestic safety operations with trained sailors and small boat expertise.
  2. Provide specific unique skill sets for security missions for the Royal Canadian Navy.
  3. Augment the fleet on any platform or shore capacity for defence missions, both at home and abroad.
  4. Provide the linkage for the Royal Canadian Navy to our local communities.

Department of National Defence Mission

The mission of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces is to defend Canada, its interests and its values, while contributing to international peace and security. Under Canadian de fence policy, the Canadian Forces are called upon to fill three major roles: Protecting Canada, Defending North America in co-operation with the United States of America, and Contributing to peace and international security.


  • Respect the dignity of all persons
  • Serve Canada before self
  • Obey and support lawful authority


Integrity: We give precedence to ethical principles and obligations in our decisions and actions. We respect all ethical obligations deriving from applicable laws and regulations. We do not condone unethical conduct.

Loyalty: We fulfil our commitments in a manner that best serves Canada, the Department of National De fence and the Canadian Forces.

Courage: We face challenges, whether physical or moral, with determination and strength of character.

Honesty: We are truthful in our decisions and actions. We use resources appropriately and in the best interests of the De fence mission.

Fairness: We are just and equitable in our decisions and actions.

Responsibility: We perform our tasks with competence, diligence and dedication. We are accountable for and accept the consequences of our decisions and actions. We place the welfare of others ahead of our personal interests.