About Us

Canadian Heritage and Canada's major national cultural institutions play a vital role in the cultural, civic and economic life of Canadians. Arts, culture and heritage represent $49.9 billion in the Canadian economy and over 630,000 jobs across the country in various sectors, such as film and video, broadcasting, music, publishing, archives, performing arts, heritage institutions, festivals and celebrations.

Our vision and mission are centred on engagement, celebration and participation. Our mandate and priorities are focused on culture, identity and sport.

What we do

We deliver policies and programs related to broadcasting and interactive media, arts and cultural industries, heritage objects and spaces, official languages, citizenship participation and identity, human rights, Aboriginal Peoples, youth and sport initiatives, as well as national ceremonies and symbols.

How we do it

The Canadian Heritage Portfolio includes the Department, four departmental agencies, ten Crown corporations and one administrative tribunal. The organization structure illustrates how the Department is organized to ensure a place for Canadian voices and perspectives, to support excellence, and to reach Canadians from all walks of life.