Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Our vision is one of a Canada where all Canadians can celebrate our rich cultural diversity, our shared experiences and values, and where all can gain a greater understanding and appreciation of our history, heritage, and communities. We see a Canada that invests in the future by supporting the arts, our two official languages and our athletes. A Canada that is confident in a world of choice, at the forefront of the creative economy and a leader in the digital world.

Our Mission

Canadian Heritage promotes an environment in which all Canadians take full advantage of dynamic cultural experiences, celebrating our history and heritage, and participating in building creative communities.


Canada is a diverse country with a rich history and culture that make it a great place to live. We have a strong sense of pride and belonging which is articulated through our artistic expressions, our shared experiences and values, our linguistic duality, our athletic achievements, the Aboriginal peoples of Canada, our volunteers and our youth.

Through the creation and appreciation of culture, the preservation of our heritage, participation in sport and engagement in our communities, Canadians are active participants in building a stronger Canada.

We support our mission and vision in delivering the policies, programs and services that enable Canadians to create, share, and participate in our rich cultural and civic life. The vision is based on the knowledge that supporting Canadian culture means supporting the Canadian economy. We believe that our culture is the sum of the experiences we make and choose for ourselves according to our diverse tastes, interests and identities, as well as the enriching and creative effects of these experiences. Our vision is also based on a Canada that takes full advantage of our rich cultural and civic life. It is a vision of a Canada that builds upon its shared strengths as a society, both individually and collectively.

Our People

We are passionate about the work we do. Our diverse workforce, which also includes artists, athletes and creators, reflects Canada's multilingual reality. Our dedicated employees are located across the country to better serve Canadians by directly supporting the delivery of our programs and services.

Benefitting Canadians and their Communities

To achieve our vision, we support culture, arts, heritage, our two official languages, sport and communities across the country in a number of direct and indirect ways. We recognize the impact these activities have on our economic prosperity. Last year, the $3-billion investment in arts, culture and heritage by the Department and its portfolio organizations helped generate over $49.9 billion to the Canadian economy and employed over 630,000 people. We partner with thousands of organizations across the country to leverage our investments, increasing our reach and impact.