Doctrine and Training

Badge and Motto

LFDTS crest



Major-General Stephen Bowes

Deputy Commander

Brigadier-General Stack

Chief Warrant Officer

Chief Warrant Officer Jules Moreau

Civil-Military Cooperation team in Afganistan

Civil-Military Cooperation training is just one of the types of training provided by the Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre.

Our Mission

The mission of the Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre (CADTC) is to plan and manage the intellectual development and training of the Canadian Army. That includes all personnel deployed as part of the Canadian Army under a Task Force or Joint Task Force.


CADTC comprises various units, which are all located in Kingston:


Also part of CADTC is the Army’s Combat Training Centre (CTC), a formation with units at 5th Canadian Division Support Group Gagetown, New Brunswick, and at 8 Wing Trenton, Ontario, and the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre (CMTC) in Wainwright, Alberta.

Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre Headquarters

CADTC HQ provides strategic staff support to the Commander, Canadian Army and staff support to the Formation Commander.  The strategic staff comprises the Directorate of Army Doctrine; the Directorate of Army Training; the Army Lessons Learned Centre; the Directorate of Land Synthetic Environment; and the Army Digitization Office Kingston. Although located in Kingston, these organizations function as full fledged members of the Canadian Army Headquarters, which is located in Ottawa. The formation comprises of most staff functions normally found at a headquarters and includes personnel, operations, logistics, communications, finances and public affairs.

Peace Support Training Centre (PSTC)

PSTC is the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) center of excellence for Peace Support Operations (PSO) training. It trains over 1,000 members of the CAF and other Government of Canada personnel each year in Kingston, prior to their deployment on operations.  In addition, PSTC instructors provide mission specific PSO training to thousands of personnel in CAF contingents and Task Forces every year outside of Kingston.  During the past several years, PSTC has also evolved as the Canadian Army centre of excellence for Information Operations (Info Ops), and provides the baseline training of select CAF members for Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and Psychological Operations (PSYOPS).

Canadian Army Command and Staff College (CACSC)

CACSC is charged with developing in army officers the ability to perform command and staff functions in war.  Courses currently conducted at, or under the auspices of, the College include the Army Operations Course, the Primary Reserves Army Operations Course, and the Commanding Officers Course.

Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre (CMTC)

CMTC is a national training centre which designs and delivers collective training in Full Spectrum Operations in the contemporary operating environment. The Centre’s weapons effects simulation technology; purpose-built urban infrastructure; role-playing civilians; and resident Opposing Force enables the chain of command to confirm the readiness of the Canadian Army to conduct domestic and international operations. The cadre of Observer Controller Trainers ensures that commanders and soldiers alike are able to learn and gain the most from this training. Short of an actual deployment, CMTC provides the most realistic and dynamic experience imaginable of operational situations up to and including force-on-force combat.

Combat Training Centre (CTC)

CTC is the centre of excellence for Army individual training.  The centre consists of the Canadian Army Trials and Evaluation Unit, the Artillery School, the Infantry School, the Tactics School and the Armour School. CTC also includes the Canadian Forces Land Advance Warfare Centre.  This centre, located at 8 Wing CFB Trenton, Ont. provides all parachutist related courses, aerial delivery, advanced winter warfare, mountain operations, rappelling, patrol pathfinder and all parachute rigger qualification. The Canadian Forces School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at CFB Borden; the Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics at CFB Kingston; and the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering at 5th Canadian Division Support Group Gagetown are also part of CTC.


Training is the process that forges soldiers and material over time into combat ready units and formations.  Such a process requires an effective, efficient Army Training Centre that produces the combat effective and readiness for all elements of the force.

That is what CADTC is all about.