Exercise COUGAR DEFENDER 2013 - 39 Canadian Brigade Group Participation in WESTERN DEFENDER 13

In the summer 2013, Canadian Brigade Groups (CBG) within 3rd Canadian Division will culminate their year with a major Combined Training (CT) exercise – Exercise WESTERN DEFENDER 13 (Ex WD 13). 39 CBG will conduct Ex COUGAR DEFENDER 13 (Ex CD 13) between 21-31 Aug in the Chilcotin Training Area (CTA).

Exercise Format

The intent of Ex CD 13 is to focus on fundamental war-fighting skills – shooting, movement and communications. Ex CD 13 will emphasize offensive Battle Task Standard (BTS) solider and leadership skills at the section and platoon level in an austere and challenging environment. 

Infantry soldiers on a live fire exercise

Ex CD13 will confirm the training readiness of 39 CBG units through friendly competition as junior leaders and soldiers compete in a variety of war-fighting skill challenges.

The intent of Ex CD 13 is to focus on fundamental war-fighting skills – shooting, movement and communications. Ex CD 13 will emphasize offensive Battle Task Standard (BTS) solider and leadership skills at the section and platoon level in an austere and challenging environment. 

Ex CD 13 will provide a challenging Collective Training Field Training Exercise for the Primary Reserve (PRes) soldiers and junior leaders of 39 CBG that will lead to an enhancement of their offensive fighting skills and provide a memorable experience that will have the collateral benefit of promoting retention and recruiting.  Fostering a learning environment is essential in furthering the skill sets of the soldiers and that will remain a guiding principle in the conduct of this exercise. 

To further instill an element of resolute determination and bragging privileges there will be a competitive element to the exercise as units and sub-units compete against each other. This competition is intended to challenge the war-fighting and soldier skills of the participants and demonstrate the training readiness of 39 CBG.

Exercise Participants

39 Canadian Brigade Group (39 CBG), one of three army reserve formations within 3rd Canadian Division, is often referred to as  “The Army in BC”. There are approximately 1,500 soldiers in 39 CBG, located in communities across southern BC, the interior, and Vancouver Island.

The reserve units that make up 39 CBG are:


  • 39 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters – Vancouver, BC

Reconnaissance support

Ex CD13 will focus on the three fundamental components of war-fighting in offensive operations – shooting, movement, and communications.


  • The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada – Vancouver, BC

  • The Royal Westminster Regiment – New Westminster and Aldergrove, BC

  • The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s) – Victoria, Nanaimo, and Comox, BC

  • The Rocky Mountain Rangers – Kamloops, BC

Armoured Reconnaissance

  • British Columbia Regiment (Duke of Connaught’s Own) – Vancouver, BC

  • 5th (British Columbia) Field Royal Canadian Artillery – Victoria and Nanaimo, BC


  • 15th Field Royal Canadian Artillery – Vancouver, BC

  • 5th (British Columbia) Field Royal Canadian Artillery – Victoria and Nanaimo, BC 


  • 39 Combat Engineer Regiment – North Vancouver, Chilliwack, and Trail, BC

Soldier works with communciation equipment

The correct operation of the communication equipment and the demonstration of effective communication skills will both be evaluated during Ex CD13.

Service Support

  • 39 Service Battalion – Victoria and Richmond, BC


In August 2013, soldiers across British Columbia will converge in the Chilcotin Training Area as they participate in Exercise COUGAR DEFENDER 13. This exercise is one of three to be held concurrently in Manitoba, Alberta, and British Columbia in support of 3rd Canadian Division’s overarching Exercise WESTERN DEFENDER 13.

The purpose of Exercise COUGAR DEFENDER 13 is to challenge soldiers and their leaders in exciting, realistic and relevant tactics and live firing. Within an inter-unit competitive environment, various scenarios will challenge the soldiers’ basic war-fighting skills while confirming the training readiness of 39 Canadian Brigade Group.

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