Article - Impressive finale for international exercise in Ukraine

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13-0112 - September 25, 2013

Yavoriv, Ukraine — Under an overcast sky in a vast expanse of green field, the combined forces of Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine, under the watchful eye of Canadian Army mentors, began the final phase of their field training during Exercise MAPLE ARCH 2013 (Ex MA 13) at the International Peacekeeping Training Centre training area near Yavoriv, Ukraine on September 20.

The quick-reaction force followed a BTR-70 armoured carrier as they approached a village with suspected insurgents.  Not too far away, a vehicle column halted after an explosive device was set off on the roadway.  Soldiers engaged insurgents and a battle ensued; however, the Eastern European soldiers secured their objective and consolidated all the knowledge passed on by their Canadian mentors during their two weeks of training.

This scenario was played out in front of a large group of VIPs and dignitaries from each participating nation, all intent on witnessing the efficiency of their respective military forces. 

“This exercise is a fantastic endeavour and it is helping to build relations between Canada and Ukraine,” said Canada’s Ambassador to Ukraine, Mr. Troy Lulashnyk.  “I have spoken with many senior Generals and decision makers and we all believe it is very important to demonstrate a commitment to friendship and build connections. Ukraine is speeding along the path of democracy and this exercise is a fantastic way of helping them to professionalize and modernize their military forces.”

Ex MA 13 focused on Peace Support Operations (PSO) for the training of Battalion and Company leadership positions, and the enhancement of basic soldier skills within a Ukrainian-commanded, combined Lithuanian, Polish and Ukrainian Multi-National Brigade (MNB).

The Ukrainian Land Forces and the Canadian Armed Forces co-hosted this year’s exercise with troops from Lithuania and Poland participating.  Over 500 soldiers from these four countries participated – 360 from the Ukraine; 27 from Lithuania; 33 Canadian instructors and staff, most of who were from the 5th Canadian Division (5 Cdn Div), the Army of Atlantic Canada; and 87 from Poland. 

“We can see that this year’s training has enhanced the interoperability of our forces in the field and the soldiers from the four countries have worked hard to improve since the beginning of this exercise, said Colonel Joseph Shipley, Chief of Staff for 5 Cdn Div.  “It is only with this level of hard work, dedication and understanding that we are able to achieve the goal of a Lithuanian, Polish, Ukrainian Brigade prepared for possible pre-deployment mission training.”

In conjunction with the Canadian Armed Forces’ Directorate of Military Training and Cooperation (DMTC), exercise planners carefully constructed Ex MA 13 along a “walk, before you-can-run” approach to training. 

From what all participants and visitors witnessed on this cold and rainy day, it is evident that the combined forces of these allied countries are ready to “run” to their next level of training.

Article by: Captain Marc Greatti, Ex MA 13 Joint Public Affairs Team