
The Canadian Army plays a vital role in protecting the interests of Canadians both at home and abroad. From Arctic sovereignty patrols to disaster response, from humanitarian support to combat operations, the Canadian Army is ready to serve and stands on guard to protect all Canadians.

The Canadian Army generates well-trained and well-led soldiers for domestic and international operations which are carried out by the Canadian Joint Operations Command.

Canadian Army must always be ready to tackle variety of tasks.

Domestic Operations

The main role of the Canadian Army is protecting Canadians at home.

On any given day, the Canadian Army is ready to defend Canada and North America and to provide assistance to populations and regions affected by natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods.

Joint Task Forces (JTFs)

The Canadian Armed Forces deliver continental operations through six regional joint task forces.

The Canadian Army is responsible for three of the JTFs:

Canadian soldiers participate in operations around the world.

International Operations

Canadian soldiers must always be ready to participate in the full spectrum of international operations — from humanitarian assistance, to stabilization, to combat.


Op ATTENTION is Canada’s participation in the NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan (NTM-A).

Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART)

The Canadian Armed Forces response to an international humanitarian crisis is initially based on components held on high readiness for humanitarian operations and disaster relief. These elements are identified as the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART).

Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO)

If the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade requires assistance to ensure the safe passage of Canadians out of a foreign country, the Canadian Armed Forces may be requested to conduct a Non-combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO).

Other Deployments

Canadian soldiers are currently engaged in various international operations. The number of Canadian Army personnel deployed at any given period depends on operational requirements.