81-mm Mortar

81-mm mortar

Soldiers operate an 81-mm mortar.


The 81-mm mortar is an indirect fire support weapon. It has the tactical advantage of a high trajectory, which allows it to be sighted and engage targets from behind cover and provide overhead support to friendly troops.

The mortar consists of a monobloc steel barrel with a smooth bore. The supported barrel in the bipod mount allows it to elevate, depress and cross the mortar within specified limits.


  • Weight: 34.5 kg
  • Sustained rate of fire: 5 rounds per minute
  • Maximum rate of fire: 15 rounds per minute
  • Minimum range of fire: 84 m
  • Maximum range of fire: 5650 m


  • 81-mm mortar bomb
  • 81-mm illuminating mortar bomb
  • 81-mm smoke red phosphorous mortar bomb