
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) continuously strives to be transparent and accountable in how it does business.

The Expenditure Database fulfills a commitment made by the Government to Parliamentarians for a more accessible financial reporting system. The online portal was one of the recommendations to come out of a Report of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates which looked to strengthen Parliamentary scrutiny of the Estimates process.

As well, Public Works and Government Services Canada and the Private Sector: Fostering an Ethical Relationship guidelines provide guidance and ensure a common understanding of PWGSC core values by employees and private-sector organisations with which the Department does business.

Client Service

On September 24, 2012, PWGSC introduced the second annual edition of Our Services, Standards and Results 2012-2013—just one of many PWGSC initiatives that can be found on the Client Service website.

Management Accountability Framework

The Management Accountability Framework (MAF) is intended to translate the vision of modern public service management into a set of management expectations.

Here is the most recent assessment and response:

Past assessments and where available, the PWGSC response:

PWGSC Projected Procurement Activities

PWGSC has an established procurement governance regime which includes procurement planning to ensure procurement activities are managed effectively. To ensure ongoing transparency and access to procurement planning information, PWGSC publishes its yearly list of Projected Major Procurement Activities. This list provides information regarding anticipated corporate contracting activities and may assist potential suppliers in preparing adequately in providing procurement solutions to PWGSC.

Annual Reports

Proactive Disclosure

The Government of Canada is working hard to improve the proactive disclosure of information so that Canadians are better able to hold Parliament, the government, and public sector officials accountable.

The following reports are available:

Access to Information and Privacy

The Access to Information Act gives Canadian citizens and persons present in Canada the right to access information in federal government records. The Privacy Act provides citizens with the right to access personal information held by the government and the protection of that information against unauthorized use and disclosure.

For more information, contact Access to Information and Privacy.

PWGSC's Integrity Framework

PWGSC's Integrity Framework sets out tough measures to ensure the integrity of its procurement process and real property transactions. The department is committed to doing business with companies and individuals that respect the law and act with integrity.

Office of the Procurement Ombudsman

The Office of the Procurement Ombudsman is an independent organization with a government-wide mandate, which is defined in the Federal Accountability Act. Its overall objective is to ensure the fairness, openness and transparency of government procurement.

PWGSC has developed Departmental Action Plans to respond to those recommendations in the Office of the Procurement Ombudsman's 2010-2011 Annual Report that are directed to, or which implicate PWGSC.

Forensic Accounting Management Group

The Forensic Accounting Management Group provides specialized forensic accounting services to national and international governments, law enforcement agencies and prosecution services on criminal investigations with financial elements.

Fairness Monitoring Program

The Fairness Monitoring Program provides management, client departments, government suppliers, Parliament and Canadians with independent assurance that PWGSC's activities are conducted in a fair, open and transparent manner.

PWGSC's Business Dispute Management Program

The PWGSC's Business Dispute Management Program provides conflict prevention and alternative dispute resolution services.

Internal Audits and Reviews

PWGSC's Office of Audit and Evaluation provides reasonable assurance on the effectiveness and adequacy of risk management, controls, and governance processes through its internal audit function; and, the relevance and performance of departmental programs, policies, and initiatives through its evaluation function. The Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports can be found here.

Ethical Issues and Concerns

Members of the public who have reason to believe that a public servant has not acted in accordance with the Values and Ethics Code of the public sector can bring the matter to an organizational point of contact that has been designated for the handling of such concerns or to the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner to disclose a serious breach of this Code.

PWGSC Values and Ethics Help Line 1-866-516-2276.


Information on the Sponsorship file.