Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan! Healthy people. A healthy province.
Health Careers in Saskatchewan
Provincial Budget 2007 - 2008
HealthLine Online
Who Knew?
Data from the surgical registry shows that about 80% of surgeries are completed within six months, and 90% within one year.

This report, published annually by Saskatchewan Health, is a count of all persons who held Saskatchewan health coverage on June 30th. The Covered Population is not a census since it only counts persons who are registered for provincial health coverage and not every person who may have been a resident in Saskatchewan on June 30th. All residents of Saskatchewan are included except: (a) members of the Canadian Armed Forces, members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and inmates of federal prisons, all of whom are covered by the federal government; and (b) people not yet meeting the residency requirement (coverage begins on the first day of the third calendar month following their move to Saskatchewan). Saskatchewan residents moving elsewhere remain eligible for coverage for the same period, and anyone whose coverage extends through June (i.e. who left the province April 1st or later) is included in the report. In the case of death, people who had coverage any time in June are included.


Information on 2007 and previous years available in several formats suitable for researchers, viewing or printing. Also available in Acrobat files listed by year (below).

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