Frequently Asked Questions - Survey on Aboriginal Peoples (2011)

Q.1. What type of statistical information will be collected by the national survey on Aboriginal peoples?

A.1. The fourth generation of the survey will focus specifically on education and employment. Additional information on health, language, income, housing, and mobility will also be collected.

Q.2. How is this survey any different from the 2011 Census?

A.2. The 2011 census is a primary source of demographic data for all households in Canada while the survey on Aboriginal peoples collects information on First Nations, Métis and Inuit people.

The survey on Aboriginal peoples is used to support policy and programming activities for a wide range of stakeholders including governments and Aboriginal organizations. The survey has always been a voluntary, post-censal survey. Information from the survey on Aboriginal peoples has been used to complement other sources of information, including the Census of Population, and has been established as an important component of the Aboriginal data landscape.

Q.3. How long does the survey on Aboriginal peoples take to complete?

A.3. For information on the questionnaire or the process and mechanisms of conducting the survey, please contact Statistics Canada or the First Nation Information and Governance Center (FNIGC).

Q. 4. Will this survey be conducted with First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples living both on- and off-reserve?

A.4. Yes. The national survey on Aboriginal peoples will be conducted by the First Nation Information Governance Centre (FNIGC) with First Nations living on reserve and in northern First Nation communities. Statistics Canada will conduct the survey with First Nations living off reserve, Métis and Inuit peoples.

Q.5. Is this survey voluntary? Will the personal information collected be protected?

A.5. Yes. Participation in the survey is voluntary and the information collected will be protected.

Q.6. When will the survey results become available?

A.6. First results of the survey on Aboriginal peoples are expected to be released in 2013 and will be made available incrementally in the following years (2014-2016).

Q.7. To whom will the results be made available and at what cost?

A.7. Core results of the survey will be published online, made available free of charge to all Canadians. Special requests for data tabulations will be subject to access agreements.

Date: November 10, 2011