The Copyright Modernization Act

Photo of the Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of Industry, and the Honourable James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages

On June 29, 2012, the Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of Industry, and the Honourable James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, announced that the Copyright Modernization Act, Bill C-11, had received royal assent.

Canada now has a modern copyright regime, which will play a critical role in protecting and creating jobs in Canada's digital economy. With this bill receiving royal assent, the Government of Canada has delivered on its commitment to seek swift passage of modernized copyright legislation in a way that strikes the right balance between the needs of creators and users.

Before coming into force, the Copyright Modernization Act will go through an order-in-council process over the coming months.

For information on Bill C-11 receiving Royal Assent, read the news release.

With the passage of this legislation, is now the source for details on the changes that will soon come into force.


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