Canadian Vehicle Use Study

Canadian Vehicle Use Study: Powering Informed Decisions 

Welcome to the Canadian Vehicle Use Study!

The Canadian Vehicle Use Study is the first of its kind in the world. It uses a Canadian made, autonomous, easy to install logger device that collects data directly from engines of vehicles. Transport Canada analyzes the data and shares statistics with federal and provincial partners to understand how Canadians make use of their vehicles. The project summary, results and information specific to light and heavy vehicles are available on the site.

If you’re participating and wish to sign-up or get more information on the study please select from the links below. The study is split into 2 sections for convenience as the instructions, questionnaire and other relevant information differ between light and heavy vehicles.

For participants

If you have been selected to participate in the study, please sign in here

Note: The link above will redirect you to the R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. Website.
