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Remarks to Transfer of Authority Ceremony, Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team (KPRT)

January 11, 2011

Check against delivery

I am very proud to be here today, alongside Ambassador Crosbie, General Milner and Tim Martin, our Representative of Canada in Kandahar, representing the Government of Canada.

In my short time here, I have had the chance to meet and talk with many Canadians: soldiers, civilians, all public servants.

I have been inspired by their courage and their professionalism. And I have seen the very real results they are achieving.

Our soldiers and civilians work here under the most difficult of conditions – to say the least. But they do so tirelessly. And they do so with an amazing spirit of camaraderie and of common purpose.

Canada’s work here in Kandahar is truly a whole-of-government effort. And it is truly an international effort. The close relationships we have forged with our U.S. – and also our Afghan – partners attest to this

It is easy to be overwhelmed by the scale of the challenges we collectively face in Afghanistan. Which is why the focus and determination of our soldiers, our diplomats, our police trainers, our corrections officers, and our aid workers – day in and day out – is so important.

I want to finish by addressing our extraordinary Canadian soldiers and civilians directly:

Your work here represents the finest tradition of public service. And it is a model for the future.

I can tell you that the experience and the expertise you are acquiring here is invaluable – both for yourselves, professionally, and especially for Canada. What you are doing will help to shape the nature of our international contributions to peace and security for many years to come.

Canada’s role here at the KPRT is changing. But our commitment to Afghanistan continues.

We have made great sacrifices in our efforts to help Afghans rebuild their country. Canada’s new role after July 2011 will honour this legacy and will build on our significant achievements to date.

On behalf of those back home in Canada, let me thank you all personally for all that you have done, and all that you are continuing to do.

Thank you. Merci.