Canada First Defence Strategy - Summary

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The Canada First Defence Strategy sets a detailed road-map for the modernization of the Canadian Forces. It puts forward clear roles and missions for the Canadian Forces, and presents four pillars where investments will be allocated in the coming years. 

Three Roles 

The three roles of the Canadian Forces are:

  1. Defending Canada - The Canadian Forces must ensure the security of our citizens and help exercise Canada's sovereignty.
  2. Defending North America - Delivering excellence at home also helps us contribute to the defence of North America in cooperation with the United States, Canada's closest ally.
  3. Contributing to International Peace and Security - As a trading nation in a highly globalized world, Canada's prosperity and security rely on stability abroad. 

Six Core Missions 

The six core missions of the Canadian Forces are to:

  1. Conduct daily domestic and continental operations, including in the Arctic and through NORAD
  2. Support a major international event in Canada, such as the 2010 Olympics
  3. Respond to a major terrorist attack
  4. Support civilian authorities during a crisis in Canada such as a natural disaster
  5. Lead and/or conduct a major international operation for an extended period
  6. Deploy forces in response to crises elsewhere in the world for shorter periods

Four Pillars 

The best way to give the Government maximum flexibility in countering security challenges is to maintain balance across the four pillars upon which military capabilities are built:

  1. Personnel
  2. Equipment
  3. Readiness
  4. Infrastructure


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