Assistance Connecting with Foreign Markets

DND Support for Canadian Defence and Security Exporters

National Defence supports the Government of Canada’s export market development activities, in close coordination with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC), Export Development Canada (EDC) and Industry Canada. 

Canada’s international materiel cooperation activities often foster interest in Canadian defence products and technology, as well as assist in understanding the future requirements of foreign defence partners. National Defence also welcomes foreign delegations to Canada, which can often provide an opportunity to showcase the capabilities resident in the Canadian Armed Forces and Canadian defence and security industry.  

Canadian defence and security exporters looking for ways to connect with foreign markets can contact the International and Industry Programs Division at or contact the Canadian Defence Attaché in the market of interest.

For information specific to accessing United States and international markets, please visit the United States and International web pages.

Other Government Support

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT)

DFAIT provides export market development support to Canadian industry through its network of Trade Commissioners in Canada and abroad. For more information, please visit the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service web site.

Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC)

CCC promotes international defence procurement cooperation between Canada, its allies and like-minded nations.  CCC works with governments of other nations and Canadian suppliers to negotiate and execute defence and security contracts, supporting Canadian industry while assisting our allies in meeting their defence and security needs. For more information, please visit the Canadian Commercial Corporation web site.   

Export Development Canada (EDC) 

EDC is Canada’s export credit agency, offering financial and risk management solutions to help Canadian businesses expand into the international market.  For more information, please visit the Export Development Canada web site.