Ethics Training and Learning Tools

Training Courses

Training in defence ethics is essential to give Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and Department of National Defence (DND) employees the knowledge and skills they need to fulfill the ethical obligations expected of them.

Online course: Introduction to Defence Ethics

To register: those with a DNDLearn account can self-enrol at Those who do not have an account can obtain one by sending an email to stating their first name, last name, and rank. Learning times will vary, but the course takes an average of four to six hours to complete. All DND employees and CAF personnel are encouraged to take the course and to include it in their personal learning plans. The new online course covers the essential content of the classroom version it replaces, while meeting the very high demand for that class—and is open for the first time to DND and CAF students across Canada and around the world. The online course serves both as a stand-alone introduction to Defence ethics and as a prerequisite to a planned supervisor-level classroom course.

Applied Ethics and Decision Making Tools

The Applied Ethics and Decision Making Tools Course builds on the basic knowledge of ethical concepts and moral reasoning acquired in the Introduction to Defence Ethics Course. In the first part, the course focuses on gaining a good understanding of different types of ethical reasoning. In the second part, participants learn how a structured approach to studying cases can be developed based on an ethical decision making model and how supervisors can use guides to lead case-based dialogue with their staff.

This course in only available in the NCR.

Ethics Session Guides

for Leaders

This guide is a tool for CAF/DND leaders to structure and facilitate dialogue sessions with their personnel on ethical concerns specific to their work or mission environment.

for Participants

This guide assists participants in preparing for dialogue sessions that focus on ethical concerns specific to their work or mission environment.

Archived—Guidelines for Defence Ethics Training (PDF 641kb)

These guidelines were issued under the authority of Chief Review Services – the Defence Ethics Programme (DEP) Authority. They serve as the basis for the validation of ethics training required by Level One (L-1) Advisors - CAF Commanders and ADMs - in their DEP Implementation Plans.

Canadian Armed Forces Ethics Training

The Canadian Defence Academy (CDA) has the mandate to develop common education and training programmes for CAF personnel. CDA has chosen to include ethics training within the CAF Leadership Development continuum rather than creating a stand alone course. It has taken a four-phased approach to create ethics training for both Non-Commissioned Members and Officers that will be integrated into each CAF Development Period, training geared to the needs of personnel as they progress through the ranks. In the first phase, a draft framework was produced. CDA is currently in the second phase. It involves receiving input and guidance from The Defence Ethics Programme as Subject Matter Experts and integrating their recommendations into the framework. The third phase will address the question of how to teach and implement the material and the final 4th phase will inolve delivery of the training at CAF schools.

DEP will endeavour to keep users of our Web site updated on the progress of this initiative.

Case Studies

Ethical case studies can help further develop knowledge in ethical behaviour and ethical decision-making. Case studies, often based on actual events, are excellent learning tools since they examine ethical dilemmas and ethical decision-making.

Tools and Readings

The following tools and readings can be used to improve knowledge and skills in defence ethics.