Health Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Environmental and Workplace Health

What We Do

Health Canada works closely with other federal departments and provincial/territorial health departments to help Canadians improve and maintain their health. The Water, Air and Climate Change Bureau (WACCB) is responsible for assessing the risks associated with Canadians' exposure to both indoor and outdoor air pollution.

To fulfill its mandate, WACCB performs the following activities:

Working Group on Indoor Air Quality and Health

This working group is formed of experts on indoor air from Health Canada and from the provincial and territorial departments of health.

The objective of the working group is to advise Health Canada's Director of the Water, Air and Climate Change Bureau (WACCB) on the development and review of indoor air quality guidelines. More precisely, the working group will:

  • Identify substances for which a guideline needs to be developed, or for which an existing guideline needs to be re-assessed;
  • Assist Health Canada in identifying suitable experts within their jurisdictions to conduct scientific reviews in support of the guideline development process;
  • Review the proposed guidelines;
  • Make recommendations to the WACCB Director regarding the endorsement/withdrawal of guidelines;
  • Provide advice to the WACCB Director on any other issue related to residential indoor air quality.

The working group meets in person once a year and holds conference calls when needed.

Other Health Canada Groups with Indoor Air-Related Mandates

Controlled Substances and Tobacco Directorate

Responsible for administering and enforcing the Tobacco Act, which regulates the manufacture, sale, labelling and promotion of tobacco products. The Program also undertakes and promotes initiatives to reduce or prevent the negative health impacts associated with smoking.

The Consumer Product Safety Bureau

Responsible for promoting the safe and responsible use of consumer products. This goal is achieved by conducting tests and research on consumer products, by developing and enforcing prohibitions and regulations, by supporting the development of safety standards and guidelines, and by issuing product advisories, warnings and recalls. Products for which advisories were issued by CPSB include some sources of indoor air pollution like ozone generators and candles containing lead core wicks.

The Radiation Protection Bureau

Conducts research into the biological effects of environmental and occupational radiation; develops better methods for internal radiation dosimetry and its measurement; and develops regulations, guidelines, standards and safety codes pertaining to radiation-emitting devices. It is also responsible for developing and updating guidelines on radon.