What we do

Every day, CIC employees work with people from diverse cultures. They strive to serve them fairly, efficiently and with integrity. Our applicants can expect impartial, unbiased and professional treatment, as well as clear and accountable decision making.

The department:

  • screens and approves for admission, immigrants, foreign students, visitors and temporary workers who help Canada’s social and economic growth
  • resettles, protects and provides a safe haven for refugees
  • helps newcomers adapt to Canadian society and become Canadian citizens
  • manages access to Canada to protect the security and health of Canadians and the integrity of Canadian laws and
  • helps Canadians and newcomers to participate fully in the economic, political, social and cultural life of the country.


Every year approximately 160,000 people become Canadian citizens and take an oath of citizenship at ceremonies across the country. The oath is a personal commitment to accept the responsibilities and privileges of Canadian citizenship.

CIC manages the application process and guides applicants through the steps to becoming Canadian citizens. CIC staff process citizenship applications, requests for proof of citizenship and searches of citizenship records.


Canada has a proud tradition of welcoming immigrants. Our immigration system, refugee system and network of organizations to help newcomers settle and integrate are among the best in the world.

One of every six Canadian residents was born outside the country. Immigration has helped to make Canada a culturally rich, prosperous and progressive nation.


The Government of Canada is committed to reaching out to Canadians and newcomers and is developing lasting relationships with ethnic and religious communities in Canada. It encourages these communities to participate fully in society by enhancing their level of economic, social, and cultural integration. CIC’s Multiculturalism Program draws its mandate from the Canadian Multiculturalism Act (1988).

Find out more about multiculturalism.

Service standards

  • Find our service standards – from the time we receive your application to the final decision