Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Red Tape Reduction Action Plan

Excerpt from the speech by the Hon Tony
Clement, President of the Treasury Board

Transcript and Alternative Formats.

Canada is internationally recognized as one of the best places in the world to do business. If Canada is to maintain its competitive edge, increase productivity and spur innovation, we must constantly strive to improve the conditions for doing business. The Government of Canada has made cutting red tape a key priority and after extensive input from Canadian businesses is launching one of the world's most ambitious regulatory reform packages. The Red Tape Reduction Action Plan will implement common-sense solutions to the unnecessarily frustrating and burdensome barriers identified by Canadian businesses. These solutions range from tax and payroll, to labour, transport and trade, and strike the right balance in helping businesses succeed and protecting the health and safety of Canadians. The vast majority of these changes will be implemented over the next three years.

How is this being done?

On October 1, 2012 the Government of Canada released the Red Tape Reduction Action Plan report. This action plan details the systemic regulatory reforms the government is putting in place to address the Commission’s report. These fall under three major themes:

For more information:

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.