Photo of the Day (June 2011)

Photo of the Day (June 2011)

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The date on the House of Commons calendar remains June 23, 2011 even though it is June 24. This was due to the Official Opposition's filibuster of the Government's intention to resume mail service for Canadians. June 24, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)
The date on the House of Commons calendar remains June 23, 2011 even though it is June 24. This was due to the Official Opposition's filibuster of the Government's intention to resume mail service for Canadians. June 24, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)
The date on the House of Commons calendar remains June 23, 2011 even though it is June 24. This was due to the Official Opposition's filibuster of the Government's intention to resume mail service for Canadians. June 24, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper poses for a photo with former Prime Minister John Turner in his Parliament Hill office. June 23, 2011. (Photo by Deb Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper chats with Senator Marjorie LeBreton and Minister Peter MacKay after a planning meeting, June 21, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper chats with Labour Minister, Lisa Raitt in his Centre Block office. June 16, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper chats with newly elected Member of Parliament for Lethbridge, Alberta, Jim Hillyer, following a vote in the House of Commons. June 15, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Dick Harris, Member of Parliament for Prince George, British Columbia, hold a World Baseball Challenge 2011 tee shirt to promote the July 8th-17th event. June 14, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper and James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, ham it up for the camera with the Green Men, during game four of the National Hockey League playoff action between the Vancouver Canucks and Boston Bruins in Boston. June 8, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper meets with Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the Inter-American Development Bank, on Parliament Hill. June 7, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty prior to introducing the Next Phase of Canada's Economic Action Plan in the House of Commons. June 6, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Laureen Harper chats with students from AY Jackson prior to the Cappies at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. June 5, 2011. (Photo by Jill Thompson)Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his wife Laureen play with Stanley, the newest member of the Harper family. June 3, 2011. (Photo by Deb Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper meets with Canada's Ambassador to the United States, Gary Doer, on Parliament Hill. June 2, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper and members of the British Columbia caucus show their support for the Vancouver Canucks following caucus. June 1, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)

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