Photo of the Day (November 2011)

Photo of the Day (November 2011)

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Conservative Members of Parliament mark the end of Movember with a photo following Caucus. Movember is an annual moustache-growing event that raises funds and awareness for men's health, specifically prostate cancer. November 30, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)
Conservative Members of Parliament mark the end of Movember with a photo following Caucus. Movember is an annual moustache-growing event that raises funds and awareness for men's health, specifically prostate cancer. November 30, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)
Conservative Members of Parliament mark the end of Movember with a photo following Caucus. Movember is an annual moustache-growing event that raises funds and awareness for men's health, specifically prostate cancer. November 30, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper joins CFL legends on the stage during Grey Cup festivities at the Commissioner's brunch in Vancouver. November 27, 2011. (Photo by Herman Cheung)Prime Minister Stephen Harper meets with Cory Monteith, a Canadian actor and musician, prior to the Grey Cup in Vancouver. November 26, 2011. (Photo by Herman Cheung)Prime Minister Stephen Harper visits the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame and Museum. November 25, 2011. (Photo by Herman Cheung)A snowman chills out on Parliament Hill. November 23, 2011.
(Photo by Jason Ransom)The Harpers' cat Stanley stretches his legs while hanging out at 24 Sussex. November 22, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)An award for "Best Scrum", given to Prime Minister Stephen Harper by the Parliamentary Press Gallery, finds a home on his desk in Langevin Block. November 21, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Minister Stephen Harper pauses for a photo with a volleyball team at an Ottawa tournament. The Prime Minister's son, Ben, was playing in the tournament. November 19, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper spends a moment looking out the window towards Parliament Hill prior to a meeting in his Langevin Block office. November 18, 2011. 
(Photo by Jill Thompson)Prime Minister Stephen Harper hams it up for a photo with a mock championship wrestling belt given to him by friends of Senator Don Plett. November 16, 2011.
(Photo by Jason Ransom)The Peace Tower is reflected in a puddle on Parliament Hill. November 15, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper boards the aircraft to depart Honolulu, Hawaii following the APEC Summit. November 14, 2011. (Photo by Jill Thompson)Prime Minister Stephen Harper meets with US President Barack Obama at the APEC Summit in Honolulu, Hawaii. November 13, 2011. (Photo by Deb Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper waits in between meetings at the APEC Summit in Honolulu. November 12, 2011. (Photo by Deb Ransom)A Veteran is given a warm coat during the Remembrance Day Ceremony at the National War Monument in Ottawa. November 11, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper plays piano during an evening jam session with friends at 24 Sussex. November 10, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper chats with U.S. President Barack Obama during a plenary session at the G20 Summit in Cannes, France. November 4, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper chats with British Prime Minister David Cameron during a family photo at the G20 Summit in Cannes, France. November 3, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his wife Laureen depart for the G-20 Summit in Cannes, France. November 2, 2011. (Photo by Jason Ransom)

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