Remote, Northern Community of Aklavik Benefits from Infrastructure Improvements

The Government is committed to helping the Northern economy and investing in regional infrastructure. The Gas Tax Fund, Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, Community Improvement Fund and the Building Canada initiative, all part of the Economic Action Plan (EAP), have improved local infrastructure and the day-to-day life of Northerners.

The Government is committed to helping the Northern economy and investing in regional infrastructure. The Gas Tax Fund, Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, Community Improvement Fund and the Building Canada initiative, all part of the Economic Action Plan, have improved local infrastructure and the day-to-day life of Northerners.

Canada's Gas Tax Fund provides predictable, long-term funding for Canadian municipalities to help them build and revitalize public infrastructure that achieves positive environmental results. Gas Tax Fund contributions also allowed new culverts to be added, improving road drainage and safety in the remote community of Aklavik.

Canada's Gas Tax Fund provides predictable, long-term funding for Canadian municipalities to help them build and revitalize public infrastructure that achieves positive environmental results. Gas Tax Fund contributions also allowed new culverts to be added, improving road drainage and safety in the remote community of Aklavik.

Announced in January 2009 as part of Canada's Economic Action Plan, the $4 billion Infrastructure Stimulus Fund supported over 4,000 projects as a short-term boost to the Canadian economy during a period of global recession.  Through this fund, Infrastructure Canada focused on improving, renewing and rehabilitating existing infrastructure and on new infrastructure projects. Funding through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund allowed Aklavik’s roadways to be resurfaced and widened.

Announced in January 2009 as part of Canada's Economic Action Plan, the $4 billion Infrastructure Stimulus Fund supported over 4,000 projects as a short-term boost to the Canadian economy during a period of global recession. Through this fund, Infrastructure Canada focused on improving, renewing and rehabilitating existing infrastructure and on new infrastructure projects. Funding through the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund allowed Aklavik’s roadways to be resurfaced and widened.

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