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Raising funds for your business can be a challenge. Crowdfunding — collecting financial contributions from many strangers not usually connected to the financial sector — represents an alternative to traditional forms of financing your business dream.

Crowdfunding is usually done over the Internet, for a fee, through crowdfunding platforms and funding portals. Participating in online communities dedicated to this type of fundraising can help you collect donations, offer rewards and take pre-orders. Offering shares of your business is currently not permitted in Canada; however, this type of equity-based crowdfunding is being considered in some jurisdictions. Stay informed about what you can and can't do.

Keep in mind that by exposing your business idea to the public, you run the risk of having your ideas copied. Do your research to find out how to protect your intellectual property.

Many factors contribute to a successful campaign, including the number of people who see your campaign, and whether they buy into your idea. Telling a compelling story and raising awareness about your campaign are vital, so tools such as social media have an important role in promoting your campaign. Be sure to do some research to find the right crowdfunding platform to showcase your idea.

While crowdfunding will not work for every venture, it can be a way to test and validate your ideas and also to promote your business.

  • Crowdfunding 101

    Learn more about crowdfunding in Canada from this website’s learning centre and stay informed about the regulations in your region.

  • Crowdfunding Directory

    Discover a list of Canadian crowdfunding portals, platforms and service providers that can help you find the right online community to fund your venture.

  • Alberta BoostR
    Applies only to: Alberta

    This crowdfunding platform can help your Alberta businesses raise money through a community of supporters, in exchange for a reward.

  • Online marketing

    Online marketing techniques like social networking, emailing and blogging are useful and involve little to no direct costs.

  • Copyright and intellectual property

    Learn about intellectual property, including patents, trade-marks, copyrights, industrial designs and integrated circuit topographies, and how they can protect your business.