Summer Programs for Law Students - Toronto and Vancouver

The Ontario Regional Office (Toronto) and the British Colombia Regional Office (Vancouver) have created a law student summer program.

For the Ontario Regional Office (Toronto):

The Ontario Regional Office (Toronto) hires its summer students directly. The ORO of the DOJ and the PPSC hires up to fifteen second year summer students annually. Students interested in positions at the ORO should note that the office follows the student recruitment procedures established by the Law Society of Upper Canada (and available on the LSUC website). Interested students should forward their résumés, cover letters and transcripts to:

Michèle Adam, Student Program Coordinator

For more information on the program, please see: Summer Student Program.

Ontario Regional Office Statement of Merit Criteria

For the BC Regional Office (Vancouver):

The BC Regional office complies with the Vancouver Bar Association (VBA) Guidelines for its summer student recruitment. The deadline for Summer 2014 applications is September 4, 2013 and interviews will be scheduled during the week of October 21, 2013. The BC Regional office will also be participating in On-Campus Interviews for those students interested in working in Vancouver. Please check with your Career Services Adviser at your law school to confirm the details. Information on the VBA guidelines, including deadlines for upcoming years, will be posted on the VBA website once available.

Kristy Foreman Gear, Coordinator, Legal Excellence Program

For more information on the program, please see: Summer Students at Justice.