Operational bulletins and manuals

Citizenship and Immigration Canada and Canada Border Services Agency employees consult operational bulletins (OBs) and manuals for guidance in the exercise of their functions and in applying the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Citizenship Act and their Regulations.

Modernized format

CIC is changing the way program delivery information is presented. The modernized format combines the latest operational guidance and policy—including OBs—into one place.

The modernized format is being developed in phases, by business line. Refugee Protection is the first business line to be converted into the new format.

Guidance that is common to many business lines has also been converted to the new format. There is now a new centralized location for the following topics:

This page will be updated as new business lines become available.

Operational bulletins

In exceptional circumstances, OBs may be issued for one-time-only instructions or to provide urgent instructions to staff for a brief period while the operational manuals are being updated.

Operational manuals

The operational manuals are divided into different categories. Each manual, in turn, is divided into specific chapters and assigned a chapter number.

Citizenship Policy (CP)
Enforcement (ENF)
Temporary Foreign Workers Guidelines (FW)
Immigration Legislation (IL)

Note: This manual is not yet complete. New chapters will be posted on this site as they become available.

Information Sharing (IN)
Inland Processing (IP)
Reference (IR)
Overseas Processing (OP)
Protected Persons (PP)
Identity Management (IM)