Notice - Internet Scam Alert

May 19, 2012 — Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has been advised of an Internet visa scam that involves a convincing copy of the CIC website. An e-mail message ( advises recipients that: “they have been selected for a free Canadian visa” and it includes a link to a fraudulent website:

E-mail recipients are asked up front to provide personal information and pay an initial fee.

Beware of Internet scams and false websites. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)’s official website home page is Remember, if even one character is different, that means it’s a different website. All Government of Canada websites end in “”

DON’T BE THE VICTIM OF A SCAM. If the offer seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Do not pay for offers of guaranteed entry into Canada or faster processing of your application. These claims are false. No one can guarantee you a job or a visa to Canada.

To find out more, visit E-Mail and Internet Scams.

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