Federal Court of Appeal

Federal Court of Appeal


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Welcome to the new website of the Federal Court of Appeal. This website is a portal to a wide range of information about the Federal Court of Appeal. It has been redesigned to better reflect the modern ways of internet navigation, to enhance the access to useful information about the Court and to implement new standards on web accessibility.

The Court of Appeal has over 130 years of experience, but far from being antiquated, the Court and its judges strive to adopt an approach consistent with the realities of our society, which itself is constantly evolving. Accordingly, the Federal Court of Appeal is always looking for ways to make its practices more effective and to reinforce the concepts of judicial independence, impartiality and access to justice that are the very foundation of a sound administration of justice.

The Federal Court of Appeal is composed of a chief justice and ten other full‑time and supernumerary judges. The Court sits in panels of three and has jurisdiction to hear appeals from decisions of the Federal Court and the Tax Court of Canada as well as applications for judicial review and appeals from decisions of a number of federal boards and tribunals. Federal Court of Appeal judgments are often final since only the Supreme Court of Canada can review one of its judgments with leave.

The separation of powers is the cornerstone of our democratic society. Under this model, Parliament can enact, amend or revoke laws; the executive branch administers and applies the laws while the judiciary resolves disputes involving the interpretation of these laws. The tradition of judicial independence in Canada ensures that courtrooms presided over by judges continue to be accessible to everyone and that hearings remain public, transparent and free from government interference. Because of these guarantees, Canada can be proud of a rigorous, robust justice system that respects the values of its citizens.

I hope that your visit to the website of the Federal Court of Appeal is rewarding!

The Honourable Pierre Blais, Chief Justice

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Date Modified: 2013-06-14