Current TCC Judges
Credit: Couvrette

The judges of the Tax Court of Canada appreciate that you have taken the time to look at our website.

The Tax Court of Canada is the youngest superior court in Canada. The Court’s jurisdiction includes the hearing of appeals from assessments under the Income Tax Act, the Excise Tax Act (Goods and Services Tax “GST”), the Employment Insurance Act and the Canada Pension Plan, among others.

This website has been designed to allow taxpayers and their advisors to understand the role of the Court, its jurisdiction and its procedures. Ideally, the information on this site will help taxpayers and their advisors to better prepare and present their appeals before the Court.

We welcome your comments with respect to your experience before the Court and how the website may be improved. Please e-mail me at CJ-JC@tcc-cci.ca or write me at 200 Kent Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0H9.

Gerald J. Rip
Chief Justice

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Page: Media and the Public - Notices Bill C-60

Modified date: 2013-08-01 Important Notices