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Promote, protect, and provide for the health and well-being of the people of the NWT.


Health is a complete state of physical, mental, social and emotional well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Please click on the read more link to learn more about the health programs and services offered by the Department.

Social Services

Social Services encourage healthy choices, support mental wellness, protect children and others at risk, and help families and communities to increase wellness.Please click on the read more link to learn more about the social services programs offered by the Department.
Social Workers Promoting Equity, Defending Social Programs for a Stronger Canada
On the third week of March each year, the NWT celebrates the contributions that social workers make within their communities. This year’s theme is Social Workers Promoting Equity, Defending Social Programs for a Stronger Canada.
Cancer in the Northwest Territories (2001-2010)
Cancer in the Northwest Territories (2001-2010) profiles cancer in the Northwest Territories (NWT) between 2001 and 2010. The main objective of the report is to describe cancer incidence and cancer mortality within the NWT population and compare these rates to Canadian figures.
March is Nutrition Month
March is National Nutrition Month and is celebrated throughout North America. The month is dedicated to raising awareness of how a variety of healthy foods from local, traditional and other sources improve a person’s physical and mental well-being.
Birth Certificates
Effective April 1, 2014 the Northwest Territories will introduce a new, more secure and durable format of birth certificate. This new birth certificate will be one of the most highly secure and durable documents in Canada.
The proposed Health Information Act Bill, currently being considered by the Legislative Assembly’s Standing Committee on Social Programs, includes tough privacy and security safeguard requirements to ensure patients’ personal health information is properly protected.
Measuring Success and Focusing on Results is the NWT Health and Social Services Annual Report for the fiscal year 2012-13.
Pathways to Wellness: An Updated Action Plan for Addictions and Mental Health
This updated Action Plan combines the actions contained within A Shared Path Towards Wellness with the recommendations arising from Healing Voices, the report of the Minister’s Forum on Addictions and Community Wellness.
Response to the Minister’s Forum on Addictions and Community Wellness
The Response to the Minister's Forum on Addictions and Community Wellness report provides the Government of the Northwest Territories response to each of the 67 recommendations made by the Minister's Forum on Addictions and Community Wellness.

Professional Licensing

The Office of the Registrar, Professional Licensing is responsible for ensuring that the licensing of health professionals is carried out in accordance with legislation and best practices.

Vital Statistics

Here you will find information to help you register and order certificates for vital events, such as a birth, death, marriage, or legal changes of name.