Keeping employee records 

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If you have employees, keeping records on everything from their salaries to their job skills can help you administer your payroll and plan training.

The information you keep on each employee should include:

  • Education and personal data
  • Work history
  • Salary
  • Benefits
  • Job classifications
  • Skills

By making this information available to employees through a secure internal website, you can save time answering questions on how many vacation days they have left, the company policy on paternity leave, and much more. With self-service, your employees will be able to log on to a computer from anywhere and check on a variety of things from how many days of leave they have used to whether your group insurance will pay for their eyeglasses.

Using an internal website for record keeping can help you to keep track of the pay and performance of each employee as well as the dates for things like renewing training licences.

Since employees only need a web browser to access their own information and add changes to it, you will also find it easier and less expensive to support employees working in remote locations.

Besides being easy to use, the human resources software you choose to use for record keeping should be customized to give you:

  • Control over what your employees can see or change
  • Security so that personal data, like salaries, can only be seen by authorized personnel
  • Customizable e-mail messages that your human resources staff can use to save time
  • The ability to link to related websites for forms and insurance information
  • User-friendly technology that works with your web browser
  • A virtual help component to cut down on phone calls to your human resources administrators
  • Automatic emails that notify you of important events and of expiry dates for licences

You can also look for software to help you with the recruitment of future employees, with features such as automatic personalized responses to job applicants who contact you by email.

  • Free to low-cost applications

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