Article - A successful 18 months - Task Force Northwood concludes its contribution to Operation ARTEMIS

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September 30, 2013

By: Erin Abercrombie

Your mission – protect merchant vessels from pirate attacks in some of the most notoriously dangerous waters in the world.

Well, that’s the mission for newly posted watch personnel and staff officers from the NATO Shipping Centre (NSC) in Northwood, England. With Canadian involvement drawing to an end in September, Task Force Northwood (TFN) is preparing a new team to take over their role at NSC. 

On 31 May 2012, Task Force Northwood was deployed on Operation ARTEMIS; by the end of September 2013, their mission will be complete. Task Force Northwood has been aiding in the multinational effort to ensure the safe passage of merchant ships through waters off the Horn of Africa, in the Gulf of Aden and in the Indian Ocean.

Specifically, Task Force Northwood provided 3 naval reserve officers to work at the NATO Shipping Centre (NSC).  The NSC supports NATO counter-piracy Operation OCEAN SHIELD and maritime safety and anti-terrorism Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR.

The NSC performs two primary activities; they coordinate the exchange of information between NATO Maritime Command (MARCOM) and merchant ships, and they contribute to maritime situational awareness by tracking and reporting merchant ships.

The most important function of the NATO Shipping Centre is to facilitate and ensure the lines of communication are open between the military and the shipping community,” says Lieutenant Commander Greg Walker, TFN’s Task Force Commander “this function is critical and provides industry with a direct link to MARCOM.

The direct link to MARCOM is vital to maritime safety because of the sheer size of the High Risk Area. At roughly half the size of Canada, it is physically impossible for NATO warships to be everywhere at once and thus imperative that communication lines are open to warn ships that are in close proximity to potential pirate activities

Task Force Northwood watch officers respond to enquiries about conditions for piracy on a regular basis.  Furthermore, they draft and are involved with the dissemination of daily and weekly piracy activity reports. They also monitor maritime shipping activities and issues worldwide for situational awareness.

NATO Shipping Centre personnel also work with military and civilian partners to mitigate the threat of pirates the High Risk Area. Task Force Northwood has attended conferences, provided briefings, produced analysis and exchanged information and ideas with various organizations including Combined Maritime Forces, MSCHOA and UKMTO.

The NSC’s communication role ensured that companies were aware of pirate activity and tactics” says LCdr Walker, “they were a key military member which provided input into the industry publication, Best Management Practices.

Task Force Northwood has been an invaluable addition to Operation ARTEMIS, Canada’s commitment to peace and security in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea Region. While the TFN returns home, the Canadian Armed Forces will continue their participation in maritime security and counter terrorism operation in the Arabian Sea.