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Megan - 11/19/2013 [11:13]
, Ontario Canada

Hello, my name is Megan,in school were talking about the "high way of heros". I was verry interested so i'm wrighting this leter to you.frist of, I'm amazed by your bravery by fighting for are freedom, but how do you live with fear every day?Are you fearing the worst? All I have to say is thank you for your sacafice and thank you for reading this sinserly, Megan

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School - 11/19/2013 [11:12]
Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada

The students of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School want to let you know that we are thinking and praying for you as you continue with your efforts to help the Philippino people through this disaster. God bless.

Brayden - 11/19/2013 [11:10]
Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Dear:soldier, Thank you for fighting for letting us live here in peace and harmony. At first, when I heard about the war I thought it was a fun game. I was selfish and I did not know anything about the world around me but now that I'm older I know that it's a terrible, frighting horror where many young people's lives were taken. So thank you for giving me peace so I can write this note. sincerely, BRAYDEN

Miller - 11/19/2013 [11:08]
, Select Province... Canada

Hello! My name is Miller and I am a grade 6 student. My class has currently been learning about the Highway of Heros and it really made me look at the world differently. I now see how lucky we(canadians) are to have soldiers that risk their lives defending our country and helping others. Also, I now see how privileged we we are to have many liberties and freedom in our amazing country. You are the biggest reason that Canada is as beautiful as it is and I want to thank you for all your work. So thank you. -Miller

kenzie - 11/19/2013 [11:04]
ottawa, Ontario canada

Dear Canadian soldier, you have done good for us. you are one of the many who have fought for peace. in Canada you have brought remembrance, peace, hope and a lot more to our country. and your not only fighting for them your fighting for us. us as in meaning the people the families the kids and adults. sometimes I think to myself what a wonderful country this is. and that's because of you.

Aymal - 11/19/2013 [11:01]
Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Dear,soldier At school we are learning about people like you and how you might have made sacrifices just to help people like me. For example, you might have left your loved ones not just to protect us, but to protect others. To conclude, i am grateful to know that you are protecting me.

Emma - 11/19/2013 [10:59]
, Ontario Canada

Dear Soldier(s) of the Canadian Forces, I can't express how thankful I am for you and what you do. Even though I don't know you I still would like to write to you so you know how much difference you make in my daily life. If you have family at home I really wish they are safe and happy and also proud of what you do for this country. Wish you the best of luck bringing peace to the world and stay safe.

Sarah - 11/19/2013 [10:58]
, Select Province... Canada

Hi! My name is Sarah and I am in grade 6. I would just like to thank you for keeping Canada safe. If you were not in the war, Canada would not be as safe as it is now. In class we learned about the highway of heros but, I have one last question only you can awnser. Why do you go into war if you know you might die. Thank you for what you do for Canada and the world we all appreciate it.

Max - 11/19/2013 [10:57]
, Ontario Canada

Dear,Soldiers Thank you,so much for your help to keep are country free.Thank you for your bravery and commitment to leave your home and battle in the worst conditions.Personally,what you guys do is something I couldn't.If you weren't here,it would be a harsh life style.So all I can say is thank you. Thanks again, Max

Abbey - 11/19/2013 [10:57]
, Select Province... canada

Hello! I am a grade 6 student and my class has recently taken time to learn about the highway of heroes. My peers and I have read a book, watched two videos, and shared thoughts, emotions, ideas, questions, and observations about multiple photos connected to the highway of heroes. We have grown more compassionate, respectful, and emotional towards you and other soldiers, and thank you.

Adam Brown - 11/19/2013 [10:56]
Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Dear soldier,i thank you for fighting for our freedom and canada's peace.Our class learned about you soldiers and how you had to lye in a ditch with water up to your neck and how you guys had a big bag of supplies on your back.And i thank you for holding a grenade so we don't have to.You are the reason Canada is so peaceful.You risked your life for us Canadians,and so i thank you for everything.

Ainsley - 11/19/2013 [10:55]
Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Dear Soldier, You fight for equality, freedom and respect,and let me just say you earned it;You fight for our country and you do it right.Finally you fight to keep all Canadians heads held high-you have succeeded .I'm surprised I'm actually telling you this-you know what you do and you know what is happening around the world way more then me; Most of all you know I wrote this letter to say... THANKS -sincerely, Canadian

Jenny - 11/19/2013 [10:53]
Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Dear: Soldiers Thankyou for keeping our country safe and peaceful, I will always remember all of the great soldiers that died like friends and familys, also fighting for our country to make peace . Thankyou so much, and I love you guys! Sincerely: Jenny[student]

Riley - 11/19/2013 [10:49]
Ottawa, Ontario Canada

I would like to thank all the soldiers for doing what you knew was right, protecting our country and making peace with others. I have many crazy aspirations, as do all of my friends, and I am so grateful to be free and be able to live my dreams. We are all even more thankful now that we have learned exactly what soldiers do. I am so happy and grateful that as Canadians, we have you as role models.

caitlin - 11/19/2013 [10:48]
ottawa, Ontario canada

Dear soldiers, Thank you for fighting for peace and freedom. I will always remember all the soldiers who died fighting to make peace. Thank you for keeping our country safe. Thank you!

g-man - 11/19/2013 [10:45]
ottawa, Ontario canada

I am glad to hear that you are fighting for our country, for family, for friends, for everyone thanks to all you soldiers fighting out there for us.

Owen - 11/19/2013 [10:44]
Ottawa, Ontario Canada

My class and I have been learning about the highway of heroes and stories to go with it. I started to realize more and more how us as Canadians really respect what our soldiers and peacekeepers do for us to protect us and other people around the world. I learned how they are really honored and respected for their hard work. So this is my message, to any soldier or peacekeeper of any kind, I entirely honor and respect you for all the tough and hard work that you've done to protect us or people like us in other countries. Thank you.

alex - 11/19/2013 [10:44]
ottawa, Ontario canada

hello, I am Alex and I am in the 6th grade want to thank you for defending our country and giving us freedom. Our class currently learnt about the highway of heroes. I never saw the highway of heroes .many peoples died in the war and you sacrifice yourself for our country so thx for defending our country.

Taylor - 11/19/2013 [10:43]
ottawa, Ontario canada

Dear soldier, Hi my name is Taylor Stevenson and im a grade 6 at westwind public school i really want to say Thank you for everything you have done for our amazing contrey. But Also i want to thank you for everything u have done for other contreys too. To me you are the worlds super heros because you always help others and keep Canada safe. In class this year our teacher is doing an amazing job on teaching us about the highway of heros and how touching it is to see how much you guys care and the respect you have for every single soldier who passed away. This weekend of the 17th i went on the highway of heros and it was so cool to see it after learning about it. So all i want to say is thank you for being my hero! -Taylor Stevenson gr.6 westwind ps

Cam - 11/19/2013 [10:42]
, Select Province... canada

Hello my name is Cam I really want to thank you men and women for serving are country and help us stay safe and plus you guys are in my top three heros thank you

Jessica - 11/19/2013 [10:41]
Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Dear soldier, I am in grade 6 and I have been learning about the highway of heros. I think you are amazing, you risk your life and leave your family for long periods of time for our freedom and the freedom of other countries. All I want to say is thank you. thank you. thank you.

g-man - 11/19/2013 [10:41]
, Select Province... canada

I am glad to hear that you are fighting for our

James - 11/19/2013 [10:39]
Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Soldier, Thank you for your work. I hope you stay alive. You are a huge part to creating peace to our country. No matter what you will thanked, never forgotten. -James #YoloSoBeCarefull

Adam - 11/19/2013 [10:39]
, Select Province... canada

To my hero I thank you for what you've done for our country. Rememberance day has just passed and we've been learning about the highway of heros. That's why I'm writing to you. I thank you for all you've done and hope you stay safe With all due respect Adam Kulla

Ava - 11/19/2013 [10:38]
Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Dear Canadian Forces, I'm a grade 6 student who lives in Ottawa, Ontario. Lately we have been learning about the Canadian soldiers and the Canadian forces in class. I just want to let you know that I'm very grateful that you are serving and protecting our country. I recognize your dedication, your honor and your sacrifice and I deeply thank you for that. You are a true hero:)