Bold Eagle Training

Bold Eagle is conducted in Wainwright, Alberta at the 3rd Canadian Division Training Centre (3 Cdn Div TC) from early July to late August each year.

The development program is made up of two parts.

The first week involves the Culture Camp, where the candidates learn traditional Aboriginal values and teachings as taught by Aboriginal Elders and cultural staff.

The Culture Camp serves two purposes:

  • it helps the candidates understand the need for self discipline and teamwork
  • it also instils pride and the sense of continuing the Aboriginal tradition of military service.

Recruits build a teepee

At the end of the first week, the candidates are turned over to the Canadian Armed Forces instructors to continue their military training.

The course itself is the standard five-week Army Reserve Basic Military Qualification (BMQ).

In addition to the comprehensive and extremely demanding training, there are regular Elder hours throughout, and also a mid-course sweat in the sweat lodge.

During the BMQ course, candidates learn what every new recruit requires: military knowledge, weapons handling, navigation with map and compass, first aid, drill, outdoor field craft and survival skills for example. The training is designed to promote self-confidence, self-discipline, teamwork and physical fitness.

Recruits patrol during their field training exercise.

Candidates will also participate in a local powwow and attend an organized career day – to help find out more about the education and career options in the Canadian Armed Forces in particular. The program culminates with a graduation ceremony that encompasses military protocol with Aboriginal customs.

Bold Eagle recruits are enrolled in the Primary Reserve at the beginning of the course. Graduates are encouraged to continue their part-time Canadian Armed Forces career when they return home, although this is not required.