Email marketing 

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When done well, email marketing is an effective way to communicate with your customers. Email is inexpensive, convenient, and is easy to track. Consider an email marketing strategy that respects Canadian laws and targets your clients with the right message.

  • Free to low-cost applications

    Discover how using low-cost ICT products for your business can increase sales and productivity. Services provided include tools for customer relationship management (CRM), website creation, e-commerce, surveys, and accounting.

Crafting a strong message

Your message is what can make or break a marketing campaign. Encourage readers to open your email by delivering a message that informs, entertains, and resonates. Potential strategies:

  • Create a catchy and meaningful subject line
  • Have a strong lead-in sentence that will entice people to keep reading
  • Offer value such as discounts or useful information like professional advice or tips of the week
  • Learn about your audience - their characteristics, their values and their interests - and tailor your message to their needs. Adopt appropriate language and style
  • Invite action by providing your contact information, links to learn more or a way for customers to 'buy now' (if available)

Respecting anti-spam and privacy laws

Canada has laws that protect citizens against spam and help maintain their privacy. Know the difference between legitimate business email and spam. If your email has the "look" of spam, readers will likely delete it. Be sure that the records you keep, including email addresses, are protected.

  • Obtain consent from recipients
  • Provide clear and efficient means to opt out of a subscription
  • Link to your privacy policy and divulge the intended use of collected personal information; be sensitive when approaching minors

A sound privacy policy stating how you gather, store, and use email addresses and any other personal information can help build a solid reputation and a strong relationship with your customers.

  • Privacy and your business

    If you collect, use or disclose personal information about individuals, you need to understand your privacy obligations and find out how to implement appropriate privacy policies and procedures.

  • Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation

    Get information on anti-spam laws and how they affect your business.

Setting goals and measuring results

If email is part of your marketing plan, measuring results will help determine your return on investment. Consider tracking:

  • The percentage of emails delivered
  • The percentage of emails opened
  • The percentage of people who clicked on your links
  • The percentage of people who completed a transaction
  • The amount of revenue generated from the campaign

Comparing the success of one message against another can help you identify which strategies worked best. You may track the number of readers you have over time, and gauge the potential of them becoming customers.

  • Developing a marketing plan

    Your marketing plan is an essential part of your overall business plan. Find out what to include and how to develop each section.

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