Chaplain Reserve Force Recruiting Information

Primary Chaplain Branch Badge

Primary Chaplain Branch Badge

Alternate Formats

Reserve Chaplain

What are the roles of a Chaplain?

  • Promote the religious, spiritual and moral well-being of military members and their families.
  • Offer a ministry of presence in a multitude of environments (at home and abroad).
  • Officiate at special functions.
  • Advise the Commanding Officer regarding the spiritual and ethical well-being and morale of their unit.
  • Liaise with civilian religious faith groups.
  • Collaborate with other care providers.
  • Provide directed care after critical incidents.

Admission requirements

To become a Chaplain, one must submit an application with the support of their local religious authority. Normally a Chaplain would be an ordained minister, a Roman or Eastern Catholic Pastoral Associate or a religious leader mandated by a nationally registered faith group. One must have a Master of Divinity (preparing for ministry) or equivalent. Applicants must receive approval from a representative of the Interfaith Committee on Canadian Military Chaplaincy (ICCMC), the endorsement of that Committee and be selected by the Chaplain General. Candidates must have at least 2 years of supervised experience in a civilian ministry. Applicants must meet the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) recruiting standards.

Since the recruitment process is complex and involves both the Canadian Armed Forces and the ecclesiastical authorities, applicants will receive guidance from the Chaplain General’s office and/or from the regional recruiting chaplain in all aspects of the process before taking any other action.

Toll free at 1 (866) 502-2203; or

Call your Regional Recruiting Chaplain:

  • British Columbia, Formation Chaplain, Maritime Forces Pacific/JTF (Pacific), (250) 363-4028
  • Ontario, Chaplain,  4th Canadian Division, (416) 633-6200, Local 5111
  • Alberta and Northern Canada, Chaplain, 3rd Canadian Division (780) 973-4011, Local 6040
  • Québec, Chaplain, 2nd Canadian Division, (514) 252-2777, Local 4033
  • Manitoba and Saskatchewan, 1 Canadian Air Division Chaplain, (204) 833-2500, Local 5289
  • Atlantic Provinces, Formation Chaplain, Maritime Forces Atlantic/JTF (Atlantic), (902) 721-8662


The new candidate will be expected to take the Reserve Chaplain Basic Officer Training Course (Res Ch BOTC) conducted through the Canadian Forces Chaplain School and Centre (CFChSC) at CFB Borden. This mandatory training will be offered in various phases at both CFChSC and at the Reserve unit. This training will be flexible and respectful of the candidate’s civilian full-time ministry. During this training, the candidate will learn basic leadership skills, be introduced to military regulations and customs and acquire the fundamental military skills of drill, dress and deportment. The candidate will receive training in crisis counselling, ministering to casualties of critical incidents, first aid and will also participate in physical training and sports programs. Successful completion is a prerequisite for continued employment and further training as a military chaplain.

Working environment

As a Chaplain, you will minister to all CAF members and their families, regardless of rank or position. You will be responsible for the pastoral care and oversight of the members by responding to spiritual needs as required. You will know how to recognize specific psychosocial and spiritual difficulties and make recommendation for referral or disposition.

Chaplains provide a ministry of presence and other spiritual teaching programs. Ceremonies typically require the Chaplain to offer prayers and perform church services in public and at unit parades. Liaison with other spiritual leaders in the civilian community is expected.

The Chaplain is an important member of the command team of the unit and exercises a ministry expressed through sacramental and liturgical life of the Church. The relationship between the Chaplain and all members of the unit can be very profound, spiritually intense and privileged. Only the Chaplain can achieve this special trust because he or she has privileged access to all members, has no commanding authority, and is prohibited from bearing arms.

Time commitment

As for all Reservists, it is a part-time ministry. Your presence might be required at least one evening a week and on other occasions according to your availability. A minimum of 12 days a year is required.

Pay Rates

The pay is calculated according to the Pay Rates of the CAF.